Assault on The Mansion

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Subaru and Ram were riding on Patrasche as they travelled towards the mansion.

He had managed to convince Ram to help them defeat the assassins that are going to attack the mansion. Subaru wanted Rem to come too, but only two people would fit on Patrache, so someone had to stay behind.

For some reason, Roswaal wanted it to be Ram, although Subaru wasn't aware as to why.

All was fine except for one thing...

Mamoru was flying right next to them, as if it was nothing.

Or it atleast seemed that way to Ram, since Subaru can easily tell what's actually going on.

Mamoru was using the Unseen hands to make it seem like he was flying, to Subaru it just looked like Mamoru had spider legs, which actually made the sight rather creepy to him.

Although to Ram it just looked like he was flying in the air.

Ram wasn't saying anything, but the first time she saw it, it clearly confused her to no end. But she didn't seem to bother asking about it.

Subaru: Hey, Mamoru?

Mamoru turned his head to look at Subaru as he raised his eyebrow.

Mamoru: Yea?

Subaru: Didn't Otto seem a bit...Weird before we left?

Mamoru shrugged as he said.

Mamoru: Isn't that guy like, always weird?

Subaru: I mean, kinda? He seemed more...Scared when we saw him?

Ram: That simply means that he's even less than half a man. Congratulations Barasu, you're slightly more manly that someone else. You should be honored to be the second least manly man in the world.

Subaru turned to Ram behind him with an tired look on his face.

Subaru: Geez, do you have to insult me after everything I say? Whatever, it doesn't matter now.

As he turned his head back to look at the road he noticed that Mamoru quickly turned his head back to the road too.

But Subaru noticed that Mamoru had been glaring at Ram after what she said.


Actually, that's nothing new really.

Subaru sighed, he really hoped that Mamoru won't try and do something to Ram one day.


After a couple of hours of traveling towards the mansion they finally arrived.

Mamoru's Unseen hands retracted back into his body as he landed on his feet.

Subaru looked at Mamoru's face, noticing how confident the young Mabeast was.

Ram on the other hand was Ram, she didn't show any real emotion on her face except for disgust towards him.

Whether it's actual disgust or not is something he doesn't know.

The group walked towards the mansion, although before they could enter they were greeted by a familiar face.

It was Petra in the mansion's maid costume.

As they were greeted by Petra, Subaru noticed something as he looked to his right.

Mamoru was gone.

He sighed as he already figured where Mamoru had ran off to. Really, it was more surprising that he could sneak off that easily without anyone noticing.

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