Chapter 6

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Camila pulled up to a decent apartment somewhat closer to the suburbs of Boston. "You live here?"

"Not everyone has money for a luxurious penthouse," Lauren rolled her eyes. "Thank you for the ride,"

"That's not what I meant. Why do you always put words in my mouth?" Camila hopped out and ran over to open the door again.

Lauren looked up suspiciously at the younger woman as she got out. "Because you did mean it like that. I don't like being judged."

"Then you have nothing to worry about since I'm not judging you," she followed Lauren up her front steps.

"I thought you were leaving me alone?"

"Never made any promises," the dark-haired woman was so close that she felt a warm breath tickling her ear. "Besides, I thought you were just going to be unpacking,"

"Something I was planning to do alone," Lauren fumbled with her keys—the idea of Camila coming in to see where she lived ended up making her more anxious than she normally is.

It wasn't like her new place was some kind of a dump. It was just... Definitely not the most gorgeous place on Zillow.

"Do you live alone?"

"Yeah, I do. I've been trying to find a roommate for the spare bedroom, but I just might end up making it an office or something." Lauren answered dryly, hanging up her coat on the rack as she watched Camila inspect her living room.

With the help of Normani, she managed to buy some furniture and bookshelves for all of her things, but the boxes she didn't get to unpack made the place seem more clustered.

"Mmm," Camila hummed in response. "Are you hungry?"

"Not really, I just kind of want to get some sleep."

"I'll let you sleep after we do a few boxes," she laid her blazer over the arm of the couch before rolling her sleeves to be just above her elbows.

Lauren sucked in a deep breath, walking over to the box labeled 'NOT IMPORTANT'. "I'm sure you have better things to do rather than unpacking boxes full of stupid shit."

"I don't," Camila picked up the high school yearbook Taylor insisted on her taking. "I finished all my work early this morning," she continued.

"What does your work entail exactly?"

"Reading over contracts... Seeing where we lose profits the most, some stupid phone calls to make sure our investors are happy—nothing too crazy."

"Your family practically supplies our military with more than ninety-five percent of their weapons," Lauren pointed out. "That doesn't seem like nothing. And give me that back." She ripped the yearbook out of Camila's hands.

"It is nothing. You shape the brains of the people who will take over after we die, that's much more important than what I do." Camila argued. "I just give people the artillery to kill others with. Not my greatest accomplishment."

"You seem excited to be taking over for your father soon. Or at least that's what I read."

"So, you did read it," her lips curled up into a smirk. "And I am... I'm hoping to steer the company in a different direction when I take over. Maybe branch off into other fields. Which brings me to what I had to ask you the other night."

"Once again, Normani wouldn't stop talking about it, but I'm listening," the professor set down the framed photos of her family, pulling them all out of the box.

"My dad insists that I get a girlfriend and settle down before he signs anything over to me. He thinks my reckless ways of living will drive the company into the ground."

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