Sprace: Aftercare *Implied Smut*

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Spot flopped onto the bed next to his husband. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" he asks, smiling at him.

"No. Can I have some sweatpants though?" Race asks. Spot was two steps ahead of the blond and started putting some grey pants over Race's legs.

"Anything else? Some water? Something to eat?"

Race shakes his head and opens his arms. Spot lays in the bed after pulling on a pair of boxers. "Come here, Baby Blue," he smiles, pulling Race into his chest.

Race smiles and Spot starts to hum an old country song before lulling himself to sleep.

"I love you so much, Spotty. More than you will ever know," Race says, holing Spot as their legs tangle with each others'.

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