Chapter Six: Classified Information.

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Chapter Six: Classified Information.
(Heavily plot based, be careful in what you read).

"The birds that had once echoed throughout the kingdom, had died out slowly as the depression hit. Despite cookies who still had their kindness and purity in their heart, they knew that eventually, they would fall into the same rabbit hole of depression and gullibility, one could be as stupid as to try and sarifice themselves for a cookie who would eventually forget about them. He used to be like that, he used to take his sweet precious time while watering the plants, and taking care of his plants as though they were his one, special mission. He always had a heart of pure gold, due to living almost the perfect life. He was looked up to as the best cookie for peace and calmness, yet his past had proven otherwise.

Being the golden child of the family has its ups and downs, from being looked up to so much, the lead to your downfall is heavy, and you can never get back up once your downfall attacks you from behind. After all, people looked up to you. That was the reason why he started to befriend those who were the opposite of him, those who didn't even care about themselves and others, but rather just personal gain and egotistical reasons. Ever since the incident however, he hadn't been doing well after those months.

He started fairly recently to getting better, yet every time I try to talk to him, he becomes more and more mentally driven away from what he once used to be. I'm worried, yet the only thing I can do is to write about these experiences, and hopefully and eventually, this will lead me to find a cure for my beloved husband."

As the violinist finished scribbling his half dull graphite pencil onto the weak sheet of book paper, he placed a ribbon in between the pages and closed the book, as he sighed to himself. He could never forget how empty and silent the house has been, even with his company, it just, never felt the same.

The Violinist went outside of the writing room, and into the bedroom, where his husband lay down. He sat next to his husband by sitting on the left side of the firm mattress bed as he gently put his hand onto his beloved's head to make sure he wasn't developing the high fever he had previously beforehand.

"I was wondering where you were," the cookie said, his head still in the same position, his emotionless face looking up to the roof. It pained to see the critical condition he was in, at least to his husband.

The way that his eye was bandaged, yet blood still slightly leaked out of it from time to time, the bandage-patch like eye patch was still slightly helping, being half blind wouldn't be fun, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about another eye in the next couple of years, if he lives on.

"I should have been there for you. I should've never let you be with such an irresponsible cookie who would do anything to sacrifice his friend for the touch of a penny! Don't you see, Herb? He's the reason why you're-"

"There is no need to be so upset, Mint," Herb stated. "I am still alive here on this bed, I am able to walk and talk, things I was not able to do before, and I am always thankful every day for it."

Mint sighed to himself as he paused, smiling slightly before kissing the top of Herb's head gently before he got off the side of the bed, and opened the door to the room he was currently in to take his leave.

"I guess you can say that... I mean, at least you still remember me," Mint Choco said as he gestured a wave of goodbye to signal that he would be in the kitchen to cook for his husband.

Herb paused at that word, "remembered." He continued to use his vision to look up, before he slightly stood from the bed, feeling the wrap around bandage around where he had stabbed his chest previously, as he stood up slightly, and began to get dressed.

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