Chapter 20

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Thanks yous for the votes and comments <333

I wanna give recap bc things are getting a little confusing -

Harry is selling his studio to go be a professional dancer.

Daisy is in a coma and Louis is there.

Louis' music video must be out by 14th February (It was moved up a date for drama hehe.)

Harry's kids have a big show coming up.

Louis is going to leave for Tour again soon and Harry will start his career.

Also Imma make Zayn gay bc having everyone be gay is just great. The boy is called Charlie, it was just random name if I have missed anything please tell me so I can remove her name from my book. 

Thanks you :)))

Love you all, enjoy <333

Scene : Harry and Niall's apartment.

After hanging a bit with 5SOS, Harry and Niall went home, Niall however hated the fact Harry was just moping around the house. Dried tears on his rosy cheeks. 

"Harry mate, you need to give Louis a call." Niall sighed, getting his shoes off and walking over to a Harry who was sat on the sofa, playing on his phone.

"I have 28 miss calls." 

"Is that not telling you, that he knows he did something wrong." Niall say next to him and Harry gave me the most "are you stupid look." 

"Ni, I don't feel like talking to him right now." Harry says, getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Fine, if you won't talk to him I will." Niall mumbled, he knew something was going on but he had to find out for himself.


Scene : Hospital.

"Niall I have no idea, whats going on?" Liam said annoyed, running a hand through his hair.

"Don't get a voice with me Li, I'm trying to help my depressed friend out and also help the relationship." Niall argued back.

"Its their relationship Niall."

"Yeah? They need a little push, now can you please talk to Louis for me." Niall huffed.

"Fine, but if I get in trouble you can take Louis's wrath." 

"Yes, yes I know. Thanks you." Niall said.

"Okay, see you later Bubs, love you." Liam smiled, making kisses sounds into the phone.

"I love you too," Niall smiled.

"Who was that?" Louis walked out of Daisy rooms to hear Liam on then phone in the corridor. 

"Oh just Niall." Liam smiled nervously.

"He alright?" 

"Yeah, look Louis we should talk." Liam said ushering Louis to seat.

Louis furrows his eyebrows but sits down.

"Can you tell me what happened between you and Harry? Because according to Niall, Harry is really upset." Liam said and Louis looked down sadly. he hated himself so much.

"It happened when you called me about Daisy, I was in shock and just ran out of the studio. H - Harry tried to come over to me but I told him to fuck off and I ran off. And now he won't answer my calls." Louis answered and Liam sighed.

"But Harry doesn't know about the hospital does he?" Liam said.

Louis shook his head. "I don't want Harry to worry, he already has too much on his plate." 

"I understand Lou, but you are both hurting, don't you think talking it out, will stop this?" Liam rubbed his friends back.

"He won't even answer my calls Li." Louis looked up at Liam.

"Look, me and Niall can get Harry to meet you, but at the hospital is probably not the best place." Liam smiled, Niall planned is working.

"There's a bakery (I work in a bakery) across the street we can meet there?" Louis says.

"Perfect! It'll be okay Lou. Tomorrow we will sort everything out, okay?" 

"Yeah, Okay thanks Liam." Louis nodded and head back into his sisters room. 

"Okay Niall, mission Larry Stylinson is a go."


Scene : Harry and Niall's apartment 

Harry checked his phone once again, no more calls. He was a bit disappointed but then again when Louis was calling him he was annoyed. He really couldn't win.

He was just so confused. So much was happening and he just didn't know what to do.


Harry rolled his eyes back to phone, thinking its Louis again, but this time it was an unknown number, furrowing his eyebrows he answered.

"Hello?" He answered tiredly.

"Hello, Mr Styles? It's Gavin the producer of Swan Lake, are you free to talk?" Harry quickly sat up in bed and made his voice sound less hoarse.

"Yes, Its Harry here." Harry said.

"Great! Now Harry I just have a few things to discuss with you." 

"Firstly, our shows have been switched around so the first our tours will be around America, meaning so will practice."

"What?" Harry said shocked. America, already??

"Is that a problem Harry?" 

"Oh uh, when will I have to go?" Harry asked, hoping he'll say next year or maybe e a few months.

"Well as soon as possible would be amazing! We are thinking two weeks time? We'll pay for travel and all." Gavin continued and Harry couldn't even talk, he was breathing heavily, his head felt woozy like he was going to faint, he could really use Louis comforting him right now. Running his fingers through Harry's curls.

"Harry? Are you still there?" Gavin questioned.

"Yes yes Sorry. Look, do you think I can call you back?" Harry asked.

"Of course, when do you thi -" Harry immediately ended the call and dialled someone else number.


"Lou, I need you."


I am going to complete this story.

Sorry for taking so long and for the short chapter.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas (if celebrated.)

What did ya'll get ??

I got a Louis jumper and a Larry Stylinson twilight top bhahahah

Love you all <333

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