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special chapter

strongly requested by you guys <33 lmfao i love yall.

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THE ROOM THEY HAD walked into was a bright white and familiar and the same one from before when they had to choose teams for tug-a-war. Still, Rue Newby's hands were burned and scarred from the rope game, and her wrists bruised from the hand-cuffs, and she wondered if those scars would ever go away. She wondered if the purple marks on her soft skin would ever fade.

She was shaking even before the rules were given, and she could feel every part of her body tremble as she tugged on the sleeves of her green sweater. Rue pulled her sleeves over her hands and wrapped them around herself, trying to bring some sort of warm comfort to her skin so she would stop shivering. Her number in the game was 002.

From beside her, a girl with bright red hair noticed Rue's antics. Maxine Mayfield, number 167, could see the girl shivering from a mile away and the discomfort that had settled in her bones after walking into the room with the rest of the crowd. And although Rue was dressed like every other person in the room, and it was only the three-digit number on her clothes that told her apart, Rue stuck out to her like a sore thumb. As if Max could only see in tunnel vision, and it was only Rue she could see.

She stepped towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it softly.

Rue jumped at the feeling, still feeling on edge. Her skin crawled uncomfortably, and she spun around. It only took a few seconds for her to relax after her green eyes met with Max's blue ones. A relieved smile was on Rue's lips as she faced Max, and Max could feel the girl's shoulders relax under her grasp soon after.

✓ Her Mixtape, Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now