Chapter 26

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When they all got back to the Gryffindor common room later that day, everyone decided it was a great idea to throw Harry a party that night for his achievement.

Later during the day, all of the Hogwarts students got to enjoy their day off from classes. They all hung out in the common rooms, the library, went out for walks by the Black Lake, went out to the courtyards for some fresh air, etc. When the night came, all of the students from Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beaubaxtons, each threw their champions a little party.

Back at the Gryffindor common room, some of the students went out to get the food and drinks and some went to get the decorations. When the students got back with the drinks and food, Tris walked over to the table of drinks and decided to make her self a drink. She hated parties and her anxiety started to act up. George noticed her behavior and made sure to stay by her side trying to keep her calm.

When she picked up the drink, she noticed it was Firewhisky. Some of the Firewhisky didn't contain alcohol, but this particular one did. Next to it was a bottle of tequila, a common muggle form of alcohol. She was definitely not a party person and she never drank alcohol a day in her life. Tonight, she was not about to change that.

The party eventually got started and everyone was having a good time, even Harry. The twins both hoisted Harry into the air on their shoulders and everyone started cheering for him. "Lose and arm, or a leg, pack it all in together, NEVER!" the twins said together.

Pushing his way through the crowd came Seamus with the golden egg. "Go on Harry! What's the clue?" Seamus said as he handed Harry the golden egg. Apparently, in some shape or form, the egg was supposed to contain the clue to the next task of the tournament.

"Who wants me to open it?" Harry shouted. The group of curious teens all shouted yes for him to open it. "You want me to open it?" "YEAHHH!" they all shouted. Harry then turned the small dial at the top of the egg, and once he did, a loud high pitched noise, blurted out from the egg. It was so loud, the twins dropped Harry from their shoulders just so they could cover their ears.

Harry managed to get the egg back closed and all of the students then unplugged their ears. "What the bloody hell was that?" Ron said from the back of the room. Everyone's attention then turned to Ron as he walked up to Harry. They all then dispersed from the scene and continued on with their party.

Fred and his best friend Lee, decided to get a drink of Firewhisky. They were now drunk and having the time of their lives. Tris and George stood in the corner and watched as Fred stood up on the table and started dancing around to a classic muggle tune, "Carry on Wayward Son" by the muggle band, Kansas.

"You okay?" George yelled hoping Tris could hear him over Fred's loud singing. "Yeah." she yelled back at him smiling. "I'll go get us some punch." George said as he kissed Tris on the cheek and walked away to go get him and his girlfriend a drink.

She smiled to herself at George's gentleman-like behavior. She never thought in her life she'd ever find someone as perfect as George. She kept looking over at Fred and made sure he wasn't about to do anything stupid or anything that could end up hurting himself.

When she looked towards the door, she noticed a few unfriendly faces appear from the doorway. In from the doorway stepped, Susan, Rose, Draco, and Goyle. The smile on her face, quickly turned into a frown. She knew they only came here to pick a fight with either George or herself or both.

"Hello, Trista." Susan said with a look of mischief on her face. "Susan." Tris said being as friendly as possible. "Nice party you've got here." Susan said as she touched a strand of Trista's hair. Trista jerked her hair out of Susan's hand and looked at her sternly. "What do you want Susan, and how did you even get in here?" Tris said as her hands were now at her sides fiddling with her sleeves.

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