do you blame yourself

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Jay sits alone just... thinking

Dr.m walk  up to him "do you blame yourself."
Jay just kinda stares "what?"
Dr.m keeps go on "its quite common in this situations for a patient to feel a kind of gult."
Jay even more confused "what situati-
Dr.m "the accident." ...
Jay has flashback of him behind some tree near a feild his parents held at gun point by American soilders. Jay runs into forest to hear 2 gun shots as he is running he grows [in flashback] nuke goes off.. Jay stand in horror
Dr.m voice breaks through silence "its common for patients to invent blame..but in reality it was completely out of your control." Dr.m just calmly sits by Jay. Jay still  has fear frozen on his face...but his face returns to normal when he accepts it. Dr.m walks away calmly..

Jay sits there contemplating.... "this doesn't feel right....but what is right other that a direction.."Jay sits alone quietly.. Jay clinches his fist his hair is blocking his eyes but a twinkle from a tear "no... no sadness... you're letting the accident win.... you are strong Jay I will not let this happen again.... I miss you mom.." still sits alone...

Short but... still good to me

Checks doomsday timer
4 days... 9:45 pm

It won't last long...

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