Mall Trip!

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Benn woke up, scratched his head, then checked his wristwatch. It was 8:30 pm. He sat up, and stretched.

"Well, it's too dark for me to go and grab a meal out, I'll make something here, then I have to get going."
Benn spoke to himself often. Ever since entering Cyber World, it's been worse. He spends to much time by himself, occasionally talking to Swatch, the Swatchlings, or The Addisons from time to time. Most of his time though, was spent alone in his new, (still trashy) apartment.

He looked in the fridge, only to find a bunch of half eaten leftovers that sounded good at the time, but now they don't. He looked around in the cabinet, grabbing a box of CD Bagels he'd bought from these wacky robots a few days ago. He broke one in half, sliding both parts into the toaster. While that was cooking, he grabbed some ham, cheese and mayo. Didn't sound great, but definitely tasted good.

The toaster stopped with a ding, making Benn flinch. He sighed and then made himself a CD bagel sandwich, put on his hoodie and grabbed his backpack, and walked out the door.

Thankfully enough, Benn lived on the first floor of the Apartment. He didn't have to walk down any stairs, and his mail was easy to get to the window view wasn't great though.

As he was on his way to the Cyber World Mall, He got a call on his Cellphone.


"Benn!! Love!! Darling!! How are you this lovely Friday night."

"Oh, uh, hi Pink!"

It was Pink Addison. He was probably one of the first people Benn talked to, and now, from what Benn likes to think, they're good friends.

"Hi..! So! I was wondering, just a thought.."

"What's up?"

"Do you think... you could go with Blue, Yellow, and me to The Color Cafe tomorrow night? I made a reservation for four and Orange's busy. He has some business issues he needs to work out er' something."

"I'd love to Pink! What time?"

"Ohhh I dunno we're gonna go out drinking too so uh, let's say..... 5:00..? 5:30Pm? I'll come to your apartment to pick you up obviously."

"Hell yeah! I'll be there. Casual drinking or uh, fancy?"

"Well, anything's fine dear, I'm dressing casual. Oh!! That reminds me, I wanted to ask what you were doing up so late?"

"The usual, I'm headed to Cyber Town Mall to grab a few things."

"...but the Mall's closed."

"Yeah! I know that, I was going to go dumpster diving for some scented candles or maybe some new clothes. Shoplifting is such a pain."

"..ooh.. I guess that makes sense?"

"Uh, Why do you ask?"

"Oh Blue and I are having a little date night of our own and before we sat down to watch this scary movie I wanted to check up on you, and make the reservation plans."

"You and Blue are dating..?"

"N-no no no darling n-not like that!! I mean I wish, but uh, it's,, we're doing it as friends."

"I see... friend date.!! I'm almost to the mall, Can't wait to see you tomorrow!! Tell blue I said hi!! Okay!! Byyyeee!!"

"Byyyeee darliiinngg.!!!"

Benn hung up the phone and crossed the street. When he finally got to the mall, he pulled his hood up, most of his face covered, and quickly walked behind the building before pulling his hood back down. On Fridays the candle and skincare store Benn liked usually dumped the used, returned, or broken products of last season. Instead of the normal rotten trash smell, the entire area smelled like a spa. Benn took another whiff, then walked up to one of the dumpsters.

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