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Nate's pov

So I been thinking lately on asking wendy to be my girlfriend but seeing how I am I want to make it special on how to asking her so I turn to the one person that could help me. Sam.

"Hey man what help do you need to get to my sister?" Sam said with a smirk

"You know me so well" I chucked lightly

"I knew it so what do you need help with this time?" Sam said

"How can I ask her out?" I nervously asked

"Simple you just go up to her and say what's good lil mama I know you wanna be the bae" Sam said with a little laugh

"I'm serious man how can I?' I said

"Ok skate I have an idea" Sam smiled

"Then let me have it" I said with a big smile

Wendy's pov

I in my room sitting on my bed just listen to Lana del Rey and think how of how good life was to know that for once that a crush that I had wasn't a hopeless crush but this time my crush has feelings for me also I will just stop thinking of this because probably something will or not happened between us but all I could is wait and see what life has in line for me

I sometimes just think how my life would be if skate and I actually dated how good my life would be I would if we did just thinking about the relationship with him makes me feel all tingly inside and my heart races just thinking of me and him together I wouldn't wish for anything else but just a relationship with I will be happy I know I keep repeating the same words of how I feel but that's what I want in life and I will be real happy with my life

Sam's pov

My idea for nate was amazing I think he liked it he smiled the thought of the plan actually the only reason I am helping nate to date my sister I'm only do this because i really do trust him with my sister I know he wouldn't treat her like shit and take her for granted like some assholes out there nate will not hurt her intensionally. that's why I am helping him get the girls of his dreams or so he says I am more than happy to make my sister and best bud happy because everybody knows and I bet they know they are really happy with each others presence

Nate's pov

I can't wait to put the plan Sam put together on its feet so I can have the most beautiful girl I've seen in my lifetime and I need her to be my girlfriend because if I don't do this then I will regret not doing it while I had chance it will be plain stupid if I didn't take the chances to be with her it will be worth it i know it

AN: sorry for too many pov changes

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