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"Greetings, your highness"

"Morning, your highness the Prince. We can discuss while having tea"

Two of the Royals sat in the living room, the tea was served and the room fell in a comfortable silence. Louis can see how different the young Alpha looks now comparing from the first time they met. He was tensed, on guard but now he looks more happy. Louis is contend to know that Tobia is relaxed in his land and feel safe.

"Do you have any news from the Black Magics and Golden Lake?" Louis asked sipping on his tea.

"The last information we got was that the Queen is creating her own new spells and techniques" Tobia replied.

"You have a spy with them?" The King asked raising an eyebrow, he was impressed.

"Yes, we do." Tobia said with a small satisfied smile.

"Clever" Louis added "Be careful, if Salome caught the spy she would not spare the life"

"I am aware, my Lord. To make them believe our spy had fight infront of them claiming that she will revenge. Since our spy is a woman the Queen have believed her. Also Black Magics is not aware about our existence they would not think it is us"

"Hmm but she is not a fool. No matter how disgusting she is we have to praise her brain, her thoughts and plans are always incredible" Louis commented "She cannot destroy us Doncasters because of one reason"

"The Amethyst?" Tobia asked and the King nodded his head "I have heard from my father about the stone when I was young, he said how the stone is protecting Doncaster and how Doncaster is protecting the stone too. Me and my sister used to be very amazed about the stone and even draw it from our own imagination"

"Why didn't you ask our help? Is it because of our late ancestors fight?" Louis asked.

"Umm to be honest yes" Tobia was embarassed but Louis didn't teased him nor he laughed.

"It is fine, in rare conditions like this we should not think about our Alpha pride. Omegas will absolutely call us silly for keeping our pride superior, no matter what every Omegas are intelligent than us and we think ourselves to be best" Louis said with a smile.

"I personally only know one Omega and he always says every Alphas are idiots." Tobia voiced out thinking about his childhood friend, he suddenly thinks if every Omegas are the same "Does every Omegas think about us like that?" Tobia felt so dumbfounded, he couldn't help but be curious.

"Apparently Yes"

The young Alpha's all confidence tarned down. What is wrong with us Alphas? We ofcourse are not as standard as Omegas but we are not that stupid. Are we?

"Haha why are you looking so defeated, once you are mated you will gladly accept the fact that Alphas are indeed stupid" Louis uttered as he laughed. "We are not as strong as we think actually"

"You are scaring me" Tobia said quietly.

"Apologise, young majesty. Truth are always harsh" Louis said laughing and then he frowned "Why are we talking about Omegas now?"

A small awkward silence fell in between them, they just relaized how casual they were talking with eachother.

"Umm we started from the Alpha pride" Tobia responded.

"Yes yes, forget it. Now, let us discuss about our plans. I had a talk with my mate this morning and what he said was a great plan so I want to share it with you"

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