Chapter -19{Lizardman}

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Third Person Pov

"Give me the report on the situation"

A hoarse voice echoed in the silent room and a frightened lizardman salute the owner of the voice.

"Reporting to the chief the situation is not good the orc will reach in less than 8 days," He said with a shaky voice.

[A/n: I know it's Chieftain but I used Chief because it's easy and the meaning of both words are the same]


The Chief of the lizard was quite shocked after hearing the report.

"Anything else"

A feminine voice reach his ears as he looked at the daughter of the lizardman's chief.

"Yes. The orcs are acting quite strange they are fighting without care. They didn't even afraid of death"

This news shocked the Chief and the other executives who are also listening to the report.

"Didn't even afraid of death"

The chief muttered to himself as his eyes darkened with stress.

"You can—"

The chief was about to dismiss the man but another soldier cut him off.

"Chief there is an intruder" His voice was full of anxiety and fear as he shout.


The Chief and executive are very annoyed after hearing the news. There were already too many problems and now an intruder.

"He wants to meet Chief" The soldier added.

"Let him in" The chief announced and waited for the person.



The sound of footsteps can be heard from a distance as the person gets close the footsteps become clearer.

All the lizardmen's faces sink when they feel the aura of the said person. As the person gets closer, their heartbeat also increases with each footstep.

"Did you feel it!"

The chief said to her daughter as she nodded her head.

"Even a hundred of us are not enough for him"

She replied with a grim expression. And finally, an individual who looked like an Ogre came into view. The said person is wearing a ninja-like blue outfit and he has a calm and collected expression.

"Who are you? And why do you want to see me?"

The Chief asked the Ogre with a neutral voice.

"My name is Souei and I'm a messenger of my master Rimuru Tempest"

Souei coldly said as he looked into the chief eyes. The Chief didn't show any emotion, he just nodded his head as a sign to continue.

"I'm here to deliver a message of Rimuru-Sama. My master wants—"

Just as Souei was about to complete his sentence he abruptly stopped as a very familiar voice cut him off.

"Yo! Everyone, how is life going. Hard?"

A feminine childish voice rang inside the whole cave, all the people looked towards the Chief where the voice came but they didn't see anyone other than their Chief and her daughter.

Even both Chief and his daughter looked confused and tried to find the source of the voice. All the soldiers take a defensive position, preparing themselves for anything.

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