Chapter 1

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Shaka x Mu cause I've been shipping this for a while now 😪💅

"Sorry you had to walk all the way here, It's honestly been a while since I have left my temple" The blond told the lilac haired man, to which he just smiled there "awe it's ok, We don't mind, we love coming here to see you"
He said "we" as in him and kiki which gave him a look.

It was safe to say kiki wasn't a huge fan of Shaka.

"Anyways thank you for watching kiki while I'm gone" he said just an hour later "wait-wha" "mmhm, master Shion's busy with "important stuff",or something I don't really know,and Aldebaran's apparently doing something and I need to go do another thing too " "uh WAIT-"
It was too late, The Aries knight had already left

Normally, if someone were to do That to him, man, He would've just killed them right away but with Mu it was different he didn't know what it was but he would never try to hurt him, so instead he just smiled and chuckled a little and looked down at the little one
"Hey, I didn't know about this either!"
"It's ok kiki, but what would you want to do" "Well, I don't know, where's master Mu going?" "Mhm I'm not sure either"

later on the two were there,just talking

"So, hows Mu doing"
"He's been doing good, He's been talking about you lately"

That's when everything tensed up 👀

"W-what has he been saying" he asked feeling all kinds of emotion
"I dunno but Aphrodite's been coming over lately"

-Aphrodite!? No,no He's already together with Deathmask- he thought trying to calm Himself down
"And what have they been talking about!?"
"I dunno ,He's always saying how much he misses and cares about you so much"
The Virgo knight couldn't hide the red blush on his face
"W-well how's Shion doing, have you been seeing him lately" he said trying to change the subject
"Not really, he's been at the Lushan waterfalls which I don't really get since Shunrei now helps around with Miho and Shiryu's been with seiya and the others" "oh, OH-" "What's wrong?" "Nothing kiki, something you'll figure out later, but I'm glad he's doing good He's amazing" he started to mutter (he's talking about Mu :v)

After a few minutes later Mu came back to pick him up before that he went to go give Shaka a hug

"Thank you so much shaka I really appreciate it"  "Eh- It's no problem Mu, really" the two looked at eachother for a few moments (I was the air, It was a very beautiful scene 7w7) "W-well We have to get going, I need to put Kiki to bed and everything" "Right, Uhm-good night Mu" he watched as the Aries knight picked up the little one and left the temple

-He's so amazing,but why dose he care so much, I don't understand what's so special about me- The young, confused Aries thought to himself while falling asleep                    

Wow 525 words :0
hoped you enjoyed :D

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