Ka'ai and I were ushered to the command center, both of us clinging to mister Isacott as he coddled our heads to his sides. His hand was wielding a tight grip on our shoulders. I watched in awe of this warrior that pushed her way into the compound, and I would never have known that she was so fierce, so brave. I grew angry watching her maneuver through the tight halls; where was this drive when I was there? Where was this passion when I was there? Why wasn't I enough when I was there? So now that I found a small piece of bliss, people who have been nothing but kind since I have arrived, does she now wish to come and rip me away and be the perfect mother: typical.

"Are the men ready?" Mister Isacott asked, gently stepping past the two of us

"Yes, sir." One of the soldiers responded,

"Good, prepare the ambush." He kneeled in front of me, placing a hand on my head. "Don't worry; I won't kill your mother; you have my word. But I do need to stop her from destroying this base."

I nodded my head in agreeance, him giving me a reassuring pat as he rose to his feet. He led multiple men out of the room. I dashed to the camera monitor that looked out the corridor. There she was, panting like a wild beast, with her eyes crazed.

"Well, well, if it isn't Aliyale Boselli as I live and breathe, rebel scum at its finest! " Mister Isacott jeered

"Where is my daughter?" she shouted, raising her blaster

"She's safe if that is what you're asking. You know my dau-"

"I don't give a shit about your kid, I want mine, and I want her now!"

"My Ms.Boselli, I don't think I can comply with such a demand...." He nodded his head to someone,

A bulky soldier swiftly emerged from behind her; she dodged, dipping to the left to avoid the blow. Another person joined the assault, knocking the weapon from her hands that flew across the hallway with his device, causing her to gasp out in confusion. While the first continued, with her being distracted, hitting her with some instrument that seemed to have shocked her, she dropped to her knees hard. Mister Isacott slicked his hair out of his face as he reentered; they dragged her behind him. He motioned to his men to pick her up, two of them securing her arms. She groaned when they roughly slammed her on her knees. Another soldier grabbed her hair to raise her head to look up.

"Now, with all those unpleasantries out of the way, you will listen." His tone was dark and frightening, "The only reason your even drawing breath is because of your child." He frowned, getting right into her face.

"Fuck you!" she spits, the large glob hitting his cheek

"You rebels are always so vulgar." He stepped back clearly angry, though gracefully wiping it off with his gloved hand. "If you wanted your child to stay, you should have been a better parent. That poor thing was dressed in rags, nothing but skin and bone... Tazi, could you come here please." he summoned me to approach. Which I did, though nervously

My mother dreary eyes lit up when she saw me, and for the first time in the past few years, I could tell she was sober. Which made my anger intensify. He took hold of my shoulders as I stood in front of him. I was confused about this whole situation; who was my mother before she became this?

"I am no villan, miss Bocelli. As I said, she is safe and well taken care of." He leered,

"Tazi, get away from that man! He is a murder, a monster!"

"Now, I quite resent those statements, ma'am. For aren't you the one who blew up an innocent air farm with a few of your lackeys? Or slaughtering a whole town full of 'known' empire spies without any real proof." He questioned, bending down next to me. "Now, I ask you who is the real villain here?" he mocked her,

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