The Clairsenses

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Clairvoyance: Clear seeing

People with clairvoyance as their dominant clair tend to have more visual and artistic jobs, such as artists, photographers, decorators, designers, ect.

communication with spirits, self, others can come across in vision, dreams, daydreams, pictures

Clairaudience: Clear hearing

People with Clairaudience as their dominant clair tend to have jobs as musicians, singers, writers, public speakers, ect.

For most people it's common for them to hear words, sounds, noises in the minds voice, but with more focus they can possibly hear the spirit

Clairsentience: Clear feeling

People with clairsentience as their dominant clair tend to have jobs as doctors, therapists, counselors, nannies, teachers

With this people tend to not be aware of being clairsentient and call it a "gut instinct" but they can also feel other people/ spirits emotions or physical pain, they may also get random chills, and are usually natural healers and caregivers

Clairalience: Clear smelling

People with clairalience as their dominant clair tend to have jobs as florists, perfume creators, wine tasters, ect.

With this people smell things that aren't physically there such as a cigar or perfume, it can also connect to past memories

Clairgustance: Clear tasting

People with Clairgustance as their dominant clair tend to have jobs as chefs, bakers, food critics, ect.

With this people taste things that aren't there

Claircognizance: Clear knowing

People with Claircognizance as their dominant clair tend to have jobs as philosophers, professors, doctors, religious/spiritual leaders, scientists, ect.

With this people will have seemingly random knowledge and high intuition

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