第2章 - Chance to Live

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Otouchan/otousan/papa: father

A/N: I will be doing short Q&As at the end of every major arc so feel free to message me any questions you may have!

A/N: I will be doing short Q&As at the end of every major arc so feel free to message me any questions you may have!

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Hiyori hummed and adjusted her dark blue haori. She tied her hair up with her usual white ribbon while Megumi watched her out of the corner of his eye. He was supposed to be reading the book in his hand but there was something about how gracefully Hiyori got ready for a mission that had him sneaking glances at her.

He never understood why she wore a haori over her uniform. It was a bit on the large side since it used to belong to Satoru and was embroidered with white stars and a large crescent moon on the back. It just seemed like an unnecessary add-on but she seemed to treasure it greatly just like that white ribbon she used.

"Megumi, want to come on the mission with me?" Hiyori asked causing Megumi to fully turn his head to look at her now.

"Can I?" He asked. He would be lying if he said he didn't want to go. Accompanying Hiyori on missions was the perfect way for him to practice his own cursed techniques while in action. Going on missions with Satoru was educational as well but the white-haired man would constantly annoy him. He was strong and skilled but so...so irritating.

"Of course, you can." She replied, wondering why he always asked like she would decide to say no for once. "We can use it as an opportunity for you to work on your cursed technique since you're going to be going on your first solo mission soon. Why don't you go get ready and meet me outside in the car? Ijichi-san is already waiting for us"

Megumi nodded and set his book down on the table before getting up to go get ready. Hiyori made her way to the front entrance of the estate to wait for Megumi outside.

"Hiyori-chan~ Off on a mission again?" Her lips curved up in a smile at the sound of the deep voice that she would recognize anywhere. She turned to see her adoptive father standing before her.

She nodded her head while Satoru lowered his head to her level and pressed his forehead against hers. They stayed like that for a moment. The silent message was clear - I love you and stay safe. It was their little thing that they had started doing when Hiyori was only 5 and, even now, ten years later, they still did it.

"Where are you going, Toru?" She asked as he pulled away. He grinned.

"Well~ a little incident occurred at a high school with a special grade vengeful curse." Hiyori's eyes widened.

"The higher-ups were trying to deal with it without telling me but it seems like they couldn't resolve it on their own so they finally called me in. We've got a special-grade cursed human. Apparently, four students were severely injured and shoved in a locker in response to their persistent bullying. The cursed spirit is the cursed human's childhood friend who passed away in a truck incident. It acted out when he was being bullied so now the higher-ups want to execute him in hopes of getting rid of the cursed spirit too." Satoru explained. Hiyori nodded in understanding.

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