Black Lake and the Sorting Hat

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"Aren't you sacred?"

Rose asked, it was darker out now, not late enough for the stars to come out fully but enough for the world to darken. Save for a lantern that wobbled between them. Regulus looked back over at her.

"No. Boat's a bit small though. Might tip over if you move too much." "Oh don't say that."

Rose looked around, the other students in similar boats to their own, the same lantern lighting their way across Black Lake. The view alone was breathtakingly frightening, not to mention the creatures she could see through the darkness in the deep water...

"You know the Slytherin common room extends under the lake, you can see it from the windows inside. It's literally under the water." "Wait really?!"

Rose said swinging her body back to look at him, shaking the boat.

"Yes. Really." He said, pausing before speaking again. "And I'd like to look at the merpeople form there, not swim with them. Be still."

A huff escaped Rose but she stilled, not particularly wanting to drown on the way to Hogwarts either. When they arrived they were all lead from their boats to large doors, then through those doors to an even larger area, stone staircases littered the room, tall ceilings and walls were outfitted with candles and light fixtures. Statues and other artwork decorated the room as well. The group of excited first years seemed to grow louder and louder until a small cat walked out in front of them near the top of the staircase, then before their very eyes this cat transformed into a woman. She wore green velvet robes over a high-necked black dress and her hair was in a tight bun. The beginnings of grey prickling at her roots. That alone silenced the group. 

"Welcome, I am professor McGonagall. The sorting shall begin soon, right this way."

Following behind her into the Great Hall was in a word- magical. There were long tables filled with the other students, all wearing ties from their respective houses. Red, blue, yellow, and green. Empty plates and cutlery were set out in front of the students, cups as well. Rose looked along the walls, her eyes met statues holding fire and candles floating- really floating in the air. She wondered if it was a tad dangerous to have candles floating above the students waiting for the feast below, did hot wax not drip down on them? Looking past the candles up to the ceiling she was met with the night sky, stars had begun to shine on the bewitched ceiling. As they reached the end of the hall, the woman who could turn into a cat, Professor McGonagall, grabbed an old leather hat. It was pointy but it's point had slumped over. It was full of wrinkles and had most definitely been placed on too many heads.

A few kids were called up one by one and sorted into their houses, and Rose began to wonder which of the four she might end up in. She didn't feel particularly brave like a Gryffindor, intelligent like a Ravenclaw, or kind like a Hufflepuff, and come to think of it, she didn't know much about Slytherin at all. Other than that the boy she had rode on the train and boat with seemed rather sure that's were he was going. Thus far the hat had sorted quite a bit of hufflepuffs. It would speak aloud at times, making a comment on where to sort the child whose head it sat on.

Rose wondered how accurate the hat could be, could it see into the depth of your being or did you just make a wish and it put you were you wanted? Are we not always what we want to be? And what if someone changed a great deal over time, could this old, magic, talking hat see into the future?

She was pulled out of her thoughts when the boy standing next to her began walking up to the stool that sat next to the professor holding the hat. Rose watched as Regulus sat and the hat was placed on his head. It lingered there longer than anyone seem to expect it to. It questioned aloud the idea of putting him in Ravenclaw, saying he had a good head on his shoulders. Him and his brother across the room both shared a horrified look at that. The hat decided he was not creative or wise enough for Ravenclaw and he seemed offended but also relieved.

"Best put you where you want. For your own good." The hat said and then yelled "Slytherin!"

Glancing back over at Sirius he had a look of both relief and perhaps pity on his face as his younger brother was directed over to the Slytherin table. At the table Rose also noticed the tall blonde boy from the Hogwarts Express, she remembered his look of distain at her and questioned if that table was going to be nice at all. Not so many names later and hers was was called.

"Rose Evans"

The professor said in a voice Rose was not yet sure if she found pleasant or not. She walked up to the stool and sat. Pulling at her skirt to straighten it. Then the hat was placed on her head, it covered her eyes and most of her face. She couldn't really see with it on so she closer her eyes, hearing as the hat spoke to her. It hummed as in deep thought out loud but spoke to her. Only her in her ears.

"Ah yes" the hat spoke in her mind. "You enjoy plants miss, but can't seem to keep them alive." The hat hummed. "You collect butterflies? Pretty things, but you collect them after they die." The hat said. Was this hat mocking her? Just put me where I belong! She wanted to say.

It finally spoke aloud. "Younger siblings grow up with a natural loyalty." Was she going to be another hufflepuff? "And! a need to prove themselves." The hat paused before exclaiming.


Shock. She was shocked. Shocked and led over to the table with the rude boy and her trolley mate, Regulus. She looked over at Lily, and James, and Sirius, and the other two boys from the train. There was no questioning the look on Sirius' face this time around.


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