41. cleaning up the mess

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Devora's words set him in an equilibrium state, something that he hadn't genuinely felt in quite some time.

He was her right person.

What does that mean for him? Or their relationship? They were still just friends, weren't they?

Enigmatic questions wafted in his mind, floating, leaving irrational questions in its path the more he thought about it.

His mind was hazy. Veiling clouds were crowded abreast his brain with insurmountable perceptions, requiring him to undergo various emotions.

However, there was still one thing that stood as clear as day to Jungkook.

He felt the same.

He had always felt this way about her.

Both Devora and Jungkook took it upon themselves to clean their mess in the bathroom.

Mopping up the water on the floor, and rinsing the tub away from the coating blue that was starting to embed on the porcelain.

Though Jungkook offered to clean the mess up after she left, Devora insisted that she wanted to be of help.

She took part in making the mess just as much as he did.

After all, she was the one that started their small mirth of dispute.

Devora hummed in relief, analyzing the bathroom in its clean and finished state.

She folded the white rag in her hand that was used to clean the water off the counters, a satisfied expression resting on her countenance.

"Finally finished cleaning up your mess." Jungkook's taunting voice uncovered from behind her body.

She turned over, forehead slightly creased. "My mess?" Her jaw dropped, a grin creeping on. "No, you were the one who started running around with water dripping from your hair. That makes it your mess." 

"You literally splashed water on my face, what did you expect me to do?" He took the partially dry towel off his shoulders, dumping it in the hamper that was beside the door.

Her bitter frown soon turned to an insidious grin, watching him bend over while he collected the dirty towels from the basket.

She unfolded the rag in her hand, wringing the white cloth before she smacked it over his butt.

"A thank you would be nice." Devora was entertained listening to him wince through grit teeth, placing his hand over his right cheek in pain.

She watched him grab a rag that was inside the hamper, turquoise specs that were on the white cloth from his hair dye.

"You want me to thank you?" He asked, sucking in his lips deviously.

Devora backed away, watching him slowly walk to her.

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