Chapter 12

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The cold breeze of October was becoming more and more present in the capital of the Rising Sun. Everyone was now fully used to the rhythm of school life and everyone had their own little routine. Sasuke was fully adapted to his new life. The fact that it wasn't too different from the Tokyo of his world helped greatly. If he was thrown in the Edo era, it would have been different. But fortunately for him, Sakura's world was fairly similar to his. A month passed since he first arrived. They still hadn't made more improvement in their investigation which was quite frustrating. But the raven boy knew they could do nothing but wait for the Christmas break. Then Sakura would possibly find something helpful. He hoped so. That was all he could do.

Apart from that, nothing was really bothering the raven boy. He had fully decorated his apartment. He had bought all the necessary furniture, supplies and even styled the other room, turning it into a guest room. Since he got there, Sasuke thought that there might be a possibility for Shisui to somehow travel here. And if it happened one day, a room would be ready for him.

Sasuke was used to his new life. But a part of him did not want that. he did not want to be used to a life without his guardian. He did not want to forget him. Even though the young Uchiha found comrades there, not having Shisui around felt fairly empty. Shisui was the first person he would see after he woke up. But now, he was met with an empty apartment. Shisui would always welcome him home. But now, he would be welcomed with an empty apartment. Although Sasuke tried to make apartment 707 feels like home, there was still a sense of unfamiliarity that lingered. It was home and not home at the same time.

Sighing, Sasuke grabbed his bag and left his apartment. He tried to not think about it too much. It would only be downing his mood and he did not need that now. The basketball club was preparing for the Winter Cup and he needed his entire focus on winning this competition. He heard that Tokyo high lost the inter-high. And as the competitor he was, Sasuke was determined to win this end-of-year cup.

As usual, Sasuke took his bus. Some female students would always giggle and look at him. He paid no attention, as always. A relationship was not what he was looking for. Besides, what was the point? He was not from this world. It would be adding unnecessary trouble for nothing.

After a five minutes ride o bus, the raven boy finally arrived at his high school. But when he stepped into his classroom, he noticed the absence of a pink-haired girl. Yet her belongings were at her desk. Strange. She was always there before him usually.

"Sakura's not here?" Sasuke asked Naruto whose desk was in front of his.

"She left to answer someone's call," the blond boy informed. Sasuke nodded.

On the rooftop, Sakura was leaning on the fence, her phone against her ear.

"Dad, you really called me just to tell me that?" Sakura sighed, sort of annoyed.

"Yes! It is the transcription of your beautiful imagination at a very young age!" he exclaimed.

Again, Sakura sighed. Her father had found old drawings of the compound she made when she was still a child. And he decided to call her to tell her just that. But he could have just sent her a text or pictures. When she saw his ID on her phone, she thought something grave had happenED because her parents did not call her often. They do text each other a lot though. But they never called when she was supposed to be at school, except if it was an emergency. And it appeared that it was not.

"That, I appreciate your enthusiast, but next time, just text me," Sakura said.

"Alright, I see you are a busy woman! Not even a minute for her own dad," he said, fakely offended.

Sakura couldn't help but chuckle. Her father was indeed something.

"Well, don't mess around okay? Your mom would freak out," he added with a booming laugh.

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