t w e n t y t w o

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Lorenzo POV
Why is my father back?
I don't understand. He wouldn't come to see me like this, so why is he here?

If we assume that he's here for something business related, that could mean anything.

He could be asking for money, or some sort of drug stash to sell.

Ignoring all the thoughts that were whirling through my mind, I headed to the living room and switched on the TV.

It was still early in the morning so no one else was awake. I changed the channel till I got to the news.

I watched it for a while, listening to the speeches made and listening to the other smaller news stories.

Then,  I left a presence behind me.

"Lorenzo, I want to explain to you why your father was here. Can I do that?"

"Sí, please do." I said, gesturing to the seat in front of me.

Romeo took the seat and adjusted himself so he was sitting up before talking to me.

"Your father wants some more business partners. He's begun drug trafficking and he was wondering if we wanted to get involved. There's a high demand for drugs these days and we would need men to work as carriers and sellers. Would you be willing to work with him?"

"For the sake of your mafia and our cash income, yes. As long as I don't have to see him as often as I usually do."

He and I both knew that my father and I rarely saw each other.

He nodded in response and left me on my own. 

Just as I was about to get up from my seat, my father came and sat down and requested me to stay.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, scoffing at the pathetic excuse of a father sitting in front of me.

From a young age, he trained me into becoming a killing machine. An assassin, a leader.

I was 12 when I shot my first gun. 15 when I killed someone for the first time. I'm 24 now. My life would've been so much more different, but this was my life.

"I think about your mother everyday, you know?"

"You dare speak of her, knowing that it was your business that killed her?"

"Lorenzo, even though you think of me as a monster, I still loved your mother with my whole heart. I couldn't have saved her that night, even if I tried. I didn't know they would come to the house, I didn't know that it was that exact night that they chose to attack. I think about that night all the time, wishing that I could've been there to save her from them."

"You shouldn't have left her alone. She was defenceless because you didn't want to teach her and you didn't station enough guards around the house. Don't you try to blame it on me either; I was six."

"Lorenzo, I never blamed you. I always blamed myself but I took it out on you. I'm sorry."

"Don't give me that bullshit. If you were sorry, you would've apologised earlier. You would've stopped turning me into a monster and you would've thought about what my life could've been like without all this." I said, my voice remaining at the same volume.

I always vowed to never raise my voice at anyone, no matter who they were.

"If you were sorry, you would've been a better father."

I got up from my seat and my father did to, his arm reaching for my shoulder.

I moved it quickly, "Don't touch me."

"I am your father Lorenzo. You must respect me."

"Doesn't mean you can touch me. Say whatever it is you want to say to me then leave."

"Every day, I regretted not being a better father to you. I thought that training you like this would keep you protected, and it has. I won't say sorry for training you this well, but I'm... sorry. For everything else."

With that, he walked away and left me alone.

Unknown POV

After my shift, I had knocked out straight away. I stretched my arms upwards and titled my head to both sides, listening to the cracks and pops before rubbing at my eyes to clear my vision.

I stripped my body of my pyjamas and admired the tattoos on my body.

I had gotten a few more these past years, adding to the tattoo that I already had.

There was now the numbers "1997" tattooed onto my collar bone and a snake on my lower back, both done in two different countries.

I liked them a lot, but never thought of any symbolism towards the snake.

I got into the bathroom and took a warm shower, washing my hair as well as my body.

I felt so relaxed and after I was finished, I brushed my teeth and went to make myself some breakfast.

Just as I began eating, a message popped up on my phone and I opened it.

Maybe- Asher: Hey, Rory! It's Asher

You: Hey Asher, everything okay?

Asher: Yeah, all good darlin. I was just wondering if you're coming in for the night shift later today?

You: Yup, I'll be there around 8 ish

He replied with a thumbs up, and we left the conversation like that.
Anastasia POV

One day. One mistake.

That's all it takes.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Don't let it get out.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes a reminder to my past.

No, not my past. Who I was.

Who I am.

I brushed through my hair,  perfecting my parting before deciding to leave my hair out instead of tied up.

I put on a nice skirt and a knitted jumper on top before walking out of my room, ready to relax for today.

God, this is exhausting.

As I got in my car and began driving towards my worker's house, I noticed a car tailing me.

I couldn't see who was driving it, but I made a mental note of the registration plate.

"Oh, this сука." I muttered, rolling my eyes.

Once I got to my destination, I parked outside the building and took the stairs up to the apartment.

"Talk to me, what's going on?" They said, pushing their feet against the wall so the chair would roll them to me.

"Well, Javier is secret as hell. They never say anything about their business but I know that there's something he's hiding. Even when they're drunk, they still control themselves enough to keep the information quiet. They don't know who I am, they haven't figured anything out about me so our plan worked with the wipeout."

"Well, you have to keep going. You know that they are planning the Masquerade ball soon, so you need to become Javier's plus one."

"Of course I know, Alexei. Now please, I need a break from the headaches I've gone through."

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