First quidditch match

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The next day they all sat in the great hall and ate breakfast. Bree was eating like crazy like she hasn't been eating in years, and Harry is just twisting his ham being nervous.

"Take a bit of a toast mate. Go on" Ron said.

"Ron's right Harry. You'll need strength for today" Hermione agreed.

"I'm not hungry" Harry said.

"Well, I think someone else is hungry. What's gotten you in a rush? Are you running from some murderous lunatic" Ron asked Bree.

Bree frowned.

"at? No, eef i ont eesh. I'll mwbe funt ov weshmes" Bree said with hand infront of her mouth who is filled with food.

Okay manners.

"Pardon?" Hermione and Ron said at the same time with furrowed eyebrows.

"What she's trying to say is that if she doesn't eat she'll faint because of weakness. Lack of food" Harry explained.


Snape came to their table with a faint smirk on.

"Good luck today Potters. You've proven yourself against a troll. A game of quidditch should be an easy work even if it's against Slytherin" And then walked away limping.

Harry narrowed his eyes.

"That explaines the blood"

"Blood?" Hermione asked.

"Last night I'm guessing Snape let the troll out so he could get past the dog but he got himself bit and that's why he's limping" Harry explained.

"But why would anyone want to go near that dog?" Hermione asked.

"At Gringotts Hagrid took something out of the vault and said it was top secret Hogwarts bussniess." Harry said.

"So you're saying.."

"Thats what Snape wants and what the dog is guarding"

"I don't know... I mean. He could be helping so another person don't get the thing. But I don't really think it's Snape. Don't get me wrong I don't like him but yeah" Bree explained.

They all look at her weirdly again.

"Don't you ever stop looking at me like that. It's creepy"

Suddenly an owl arrives with two long packages and drops it to Harry and Bree.

"Bit early for Mail isn't it?" Mione asked.

"But we never get mail" Bree and Harry answered.

"Let's open them" Ron said.

They all helped opening the two packages and it revealed two brooms.

"It's broomsticks" Harry said.

"It's not just broomsticks it's a Nimbus 2000. The fastest broomstick in the world" Ron said amazed.

"But who-?"

Hedwig sat on a short pile of books getting treated by McGonagall who smiled at the twins and they smiled back widely.

Bree gave her a 'thank you' nod and looked at her new broomstick. Oliver looked at their brooms like a kid on Christmas.

"Harry, Bree. I'm your best mate. Can I test fly one of yours sometime?" Ron asked.

"Yeah sure" They answered.
The Gryffindor team walked out on the field and stranded infront of a door.

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