Chapter 1 "You..."

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Marie's POV》
I was walking towards my balcony which was connected with my room. I stepped out and sat down. Looking off at the beautiful night in Milan

I heard my both parent's arguing about Mafia things which didn't bring my curiosity. I honestly want to leave this place and just live somewhere peaceful. My both parents think we should move somewhere else because my fathers Mafia life is slowly getting out of hands. I don't believe them though.

As I was watching the beautiful dark blue sky, I hear a knock on my door. I look over and notice my father walk in... goodie, what the fuck does he want now?!

"What now?" I say

There was silence between us, I soon spoke again "Finished yelling at mom?" 

Once I finish talking, I hear my fathers footsteps walk towards me. I slowly stood up and turned away more. My father walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder

"Sweetheart...You know that I don't mean to hurt your mom in any way..It's my anger issues.." He said in assuring tone

I roll my eyes a bit but somehow I can't stay mad at him for long time. He is my father and I love him too much

After few minutes I hear him speak further "Your getting older and my business is getting dangerous...more dangerous then before... me and your mother decided to.."

As I was thinking. My attention was somehow caught by what my father just had said "To?" I mutter out as I hear my father sigh nervously

"To do a marriage..with a man who is from a Russia family"

I turned around to face my father.  Widening my eyes " no no! I don't want a marriage with someone who I don't even know!!"

My father got stubborn. well.. his face was without expression

"Marie Claire D'Angelo! You will marry him and that's final. Im done with you denying things!"

As my father said it with straight cold face. I flinch and look down, walking past him "Yes father.."

My father sighed as he turned around, storming out of my room. Clearly being pissed off at my attitude.  Lately I wasn't myself and I don't know why..

              Next day

Marie woke up, she felt terrible from last night. It made her not sleep so much like always. 

It made her overthink about what her father said. 

"Marrige?...with a russian guy who I don't even know...just great.." Marie let out a load groan. Looking at the ceiling

Marie's POV
I lay there. Overthinking mostly. About what happened before I went to bed.
I hear a knock on the door. Not bothering to say anything

The door opened and my mother appeared "Marie...sweetie.  Get ready and come downstairs... your fiancee is going to be here soon and you need to meet him" My mother said in sweet voice like always. Her face made me happy..

"Yes mom. I'll be there soon, give me a moment to collect myself"  I sit up and look over. Giving my mom a nod and assuring her that I'll be there soon

My mom nodded and walked out of the room. Closing the door

Welp, I guess I should get ready for that asshole

I got up and did everything usual. Like doing my makeup, fixing my hair then picking my outfit

I picked a nice dress that didn't look to much or bad.

Once I was done, I went downstairs towards the living room. My both parents were sitting straightly on the couch. Talking to each other, I wasn't surprised.  I sat across of them, with a straight back "Mother..father.."

My both parents looked over and nodded to me happily, glad to see me there already

《Elliot's POV)

After atleast  4 hours of flight to this place. My head was spinning and hurting a bit

"Fuck this honestly" I mutter while my parents just sit in front of the car. Taking to my fiancee who I don't want to even marry because I got someone else in mind

"Do I really need to marry her? I don't even know that bitch. She might even be a gold digger.."

My parents ignored me until I  noticed my mom turning her head to look at me. I rose my eyebrow confused

"Bitch or not, you need to marry her. Not only she is a daughter of a powerful Mafia Italian man but you need to be a husband so you can take over fathers job" My mom said in stern tone

I frowned and went silent. Seeing my mom smile a bit, knowing that she won and made me silent
She was right. I need to be married to overtake my father's mafia job

Once we had arrived. I got out of the car, I looked at the place were my future 'wife' was living at

"Not bad.." I said

My mother looked at their house×"It is bigger then ours

I crossed my arms and huffed at that

Elliot and his parents walked to the front door where they were greeted by the maids. Being invited inside.

Marie sighed and heard the family from Russia come inside.

《Marie's POV》
I stood up quickly, the same time as my parents did. They went towards Elliot's parents and greeted them. I followed behind.  Not wanting to be seen much

I've noticed their son which was Elliot, he noticed me and it made me froze

Our parents walked to the living room while me and Elliot were left alone. He studied me and I could feel his eyes looking me down and up

"Its rude to stare" I said

Elliot rolled his eyes "Whatever, you dont look bad..."

I roll my eyes "I hate this idea...I just want a peaceful life"

Elliot was surprised hearing that "I see, Im Elliot..Elliot Mozarov"

"I'm Marie Claire D'Angelo" I said and shook our hands. His hand is so soft and gentle..

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