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Des sits on his chair in his office and stares at Harry who was still standing in front of the desk.

"you wanted to talk" Harry manages, trying to keep the waver out of his voice.

"I see, you and Tomlinson have such a special bond" Des sips on his wine glass and Harry nods.

"not really" he lies. "I was just bored"

"Well son, keep hanging out with maids like that and your reputation will he ruined. Do you really think a prince can sit with a maid?" Des angrily says and Harry rolls his eyes.

"father, Louis is by far the nicest person here. I don't see what's wrong in us hanging out." Harry shrugs and Des sighs. Their moment gets interrupted by the door being opened and Anne walks in.

"the guests are asking about you" she directs to Des and Des nods. He stands up "this isn't over" Harry nods. When Des leaves the office, Harry sighs and makes his way to his room.

he stands by his large window and watches the beautiful view, instantly calming down. He then notices Louis laying down in the ground , surrounded by Daisy and Charlotte.

somehow, Louis looks up and meets Harry eyes, concern filling his blue saphairs.

'you okay?' Louis mouths and Harry nods. He gives him a small smile before closing the curtains to end the conversation.


the next morning, Louis is in his room when he hears a knock on the door. He leaves the broom and jogs to the door before opening it.

It's a lady he had never seen before.

"hi , how can I help you?" He smiles and the lady passes him a box.

"the prince had ordered me to give you this, I'm Sally by the way" she smiles and Louis nods. He closes the door when she walks away and takes the box to his desk.

He opens the box and when he sees what's inside of it, he still.

food. Is what's inside of it.

there's a little sticky note stuck to the box.

'eat well, I cooked these if you don't mind by the way!'

Louis might cry. He's not sure why Harry, the prince would send him food but he isn't exactly complaining, especially because it's made by his own hands.


Harry' standing on the hill when he feels a body stand next to him. He smiles, he doesn't need to turn to know who it is.

"hello there" Louis, smiles widely and Harry looks at him with a raised brow, his lips quirked up in amusement.

"Louis Tomlinson" he greets like always and Louis blushes. They stand in silence, Louis watching the scenery as harry watches him.

"I just wanted you thank you, for the box you sent" Louis smiles widely, a blush coating his cheeks and Harry smirks.

"If you need anything, just come to me, alright?" Harry softly says and Louis nods.

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