Chapter 7

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Brooklyn POV

Me and Spencer just got home from practice during this time I decided to spend time studying when I was studying Spencer came into my room wassup Spence I said nothing much he said soo why you in here then I asked because I  know how he works when he wants some or something is up and my gut is telling me something ain't good. 

Spencer POV

How do I tell Brooklyn about coop, I saw coop with Shawn the other day and he's crew the other day I said she just looked at me like I'm crazy 🤪. "Wow do she really want me spank some sense into her because I will cause you know these hands are rated e for everyone family and friends can catch the fade I want all the smoke  she said " I just  gave her this look 😑😐hmm not necessarily needed but good to know. But I need to but serious what should we do about coop."what is there to do about coop she want to live  that life let Spencer can't safe everyone especially if they don't want to be saved" she said I just nodded and said good night and headed to my room to get for tomorrow.

Brooklyn POV
I waited for Spencer to leave my room and let out a breath that I had no idea I was holding this whole time why should coop do this she's not made for that life at all.....

End of chapter 7

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