Chapter 48 - The Decision

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"I'm sorry about my brother. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes." Fate said as she sipped her tea.

    (Y/N) nodded and sipped hers as well. She was still annoyed and nervous from earlier. The commotion between the demons and the people at the gate seemed to have died down, whether that's a good thing or not... She just hoped that Ki and Akai listened to her and waited.

"So, how are you liking the surface so far? Besides the demons and stuff."

    (Y/N) crossed her legs together on the table with her cup of tea in her lap. "Besides them... I think the world is very beautiful. It's not like how I imagined it though." The demons played a big part in how she viewed the world. So much chaos and decay, an old world left to rot, having to watch your back every second. She can't imagine living the rest of her life up here. She applauds the Outsiders' ability to.

"What do you mean? You didn't expect everything to be fully functional and brand new, right?" Fate chuckled. "If only things were though."

"Well, a lot of the photos we have of the surface are from over a century ago. I've recently started taking some myself. Maybe if I ever do get back home, they can be useful to some people. Hey, where is my stuff by the way?" She forgot all about her belongings until now.

    Fate sat up from her chair and left the room, coming back a minute later with the girl's bag and parka. "Sorry but we went through your stuff while you were knocked out. For security reasons of course!" She smiled even though (Y/N) could tell that wasn't the whole truth.

    She took her bag and looked inside. Everything seemed to be there. Her camera, old clothes, the files, and her knife... holster? "Wait where's my knife?"

"Your knife?" Fate asked, confused. She didn't see any knife when she searched the bag.

"I had a knife! One of my demons gave it to me, it's my only weapon." (Y/N) rummaged through her stuff, not seeing the black blade anywhere. Without it, she feels completely defenseless! 'Did I drop it back in the city?!'

"If you had a weapon, then maybe one of our scavengers confiscated it. You should ask Miri about it, he'll probably know."

    (Y/N) wasn't in the mood to talk to that man... They had a full argument about her safety and it ended with him storming off. It'll be pretty awkward to have to speak to him again. But she needed her knife. 

    The two ladies spent time talking together. Mostly Fate keeping the conversation going by asking questions about the Zones. She was genuinely curious about the way people lived, how they studied demons, what it was like growing up without the worry of being killed, and what the food is like. When (Y/N) described some of her favorite meals, she smiled at how Fate practically drooled at the delicious sounding foods. After (Y/N) told her about cake, the nurse became eager to learn how to make one. She even pulled out a notepad and started jotting down the ingredients, materials, and steps as (Y/N) taught her.

"After you take it out of the oven, make sure it's all the way done and not mushy on the inside."


"If it's baked all the way through, flip the pan upside down and gently let it fall onto the pla-"

    The door to the room opened and both ladies turned their attention towards it. (Y/N) immediately looked away when she met eyes with Miri's, he did the same and looked to his sister instead. "Dr. Lee needs your help with someone, Fate."

    The nurse nodded and rose from her seat. She grabbed her satchel and eyed the two, expecting a fight to start, then slid past her brother while saying bye to (Y/N).

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