Episode 1

59 3 0

A/N: stands for Sapphire and stands for Cyan


S: Does kuya know we're already part of Derek's pack?

C: Uhm... I really don't know...

S: I don't think he knows. Should we ask him?

C: Yeah we should. You go ask him!

S: Why should I? Yeah I know what you'll answer. 'cause I'm older'

C: Yeah, now go! There he goes with ate Malia!

(Stiles and Malia entered the door as Cyan pushed her twin on the sofa causing Sapphire to fall off and Stiles asking if they're okay)

S: Uhm... Stiles... Kuya stiles? C-can we talk to you (looks at Malia) in private...

(Stiles walked with his sisters and left malia sitting on the couch. He asked if they were okay, he looked at Cyan, Cyan pointed at Sapphireonly to find out that Sapphire's also pointing at Cyan. Stiles became serious) 

S: Sooooo... last week... or last last week... or last last last week... we kind of went into the woods and we kinda met someone. Someone unexpected.

C: And we kind of en--

Stiles: Why were you two walking in the woods? (serious face) What time of day was that?

S: We planned to camp th--

Stiles: I said what time of day is that?

C: It... it was night time... uhm actually 10 pm when you and dad went with kuya Scott to solve a case... we decided to sneak out and--

Stiles: SOmething happened, am I right?

S: kind of?

Stiles: who did you meet in the woods, exactly?

C: He... uhm... He... (nudges Sapphire on the side) (whispers) you tell him

S: He's Derek Dale

(Stiles ran his hand throught his hair and called Malia. Malia walks in the scene, they looked at each other for a moment)

Malia: Oh no they didn't.

Stiles: Oh yes, they did.

S: (Looks at Cyan) At least now we know he doesn't know.

C: (Nods) Kuya, can we go now?

Stiles: No, we need to ta--

Malia: Stiles, let them fo. We'll talk to them about it with your dad.

(The twins looked at each other, slightly nervous about dad.)

S: (mouths) shit! (talks normally) Okay, thanks ate Malia and kuya Stiles, we gotta Scoot! BYE! (pulls Cyan out of the house) That was a pretty terrible idea.

C: Yeah, I really kind of wanted to talk about it then and there with kuya dn ate but it looks like we really need to face dad soon.(sighs) So where should we go? It's just 7...

S: Damn 30! I really think we should go to school now.

C: So do you mean to say we need to go in the house again to get our things. and run 6 freaking kilometers to school or ride with them in the car?

S; The first one soundslike a plan..... but it will be nasty.... very nasty... So... the last one gives cornetto?

(Sapphire started to run to the house)

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