CH 1 : Reality

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It was still dawn, him and his bestfriend just got home for their vacation. But here he is, floating worriedly beside a boy scratching his capless head.

Since receiving the Oakuat Seed, Boboiboy practically drowned himself in books. All kinds of texts containing nature, plants, biology, and even alchemy, he hoards them all. He insists that it's their utmost priority to quickly upgrade his Duri element.

"What if an enemy like Retak'ka appears?" he said.

The orange boy rarely sleeps, eat, or shower, despite his smile telling everyone that everything's under control. But his friends didn't buy it the slightest, finding his sudden spike of rush, or perhaps anxiety concerning.

Ochobot fumbles the orange cap between his fingers. This cap was a gift from his father, he once told. That's why Boboiboy never let's it go. But just minutes ago, he was handed over the cap by the owner, stating,

"The cap's beginning to weigh on my head."

The yellow sphere flutters closer to Boboiboy. At this angle, he can see the faint dark circles around Boboiboy's eyes, his lips fixed into a frown, all the while scribbling theories and formulas on a paper. The boy looks like someone at the edge of a cliff of obsession.

"Boboiboy...?" Ochobot tries to call his bestfriend's name, but it comes out akin to a baby's whine.

Boboiboy suddenly snaps his attention to him. For a split second, you can see those brown eyes staring daggers at the power sphere. But he quickly softens his gaze as fast, his frown turning into a tired smile, "What's up, Ochobot?"

Ochobot stares at the boy in front of him. He looks somehow... Natural. His floofy hair against the soft light of yet rising sun, eyes soft too motherly for a boy, but his smile looks like preventing him from spewing a thousand words.

"I think you can use some sleep for now..." Ochobot mutters his thought loudly.

'You didn't even glance at dinner when we got home...' His other thought kept locked away.

The elemental hero sighs, he checks the time on the wall clock, 04.45 AM, "It's morning soon anyway, i'll just continue--"

"No!" The yellow sphere's voicebox screeches, he realized his tone then meekly lowers himself, "I-i mean... You wouldn't fight when you're tired, right? So it makes... Sense, that you regain at least some energy for yourself."


"...I'll wake you in the morning of course! 7 AM! C'mon! Just a 2 hour and 15 minutes nap?"



Boboiboy glanced at his bed. His soft, tidy, and comfy bed seemingly inviting him to just lay down and went around the dream land. With a final consideration, that it's true he needs to be prepared for enemies, he gets up from his chair and flops on the bed's mattress.

Ochobot flutters happily seeing his best friend quickly falls asleep, his tiredness catching up to him. His metallic hands slowly puts the orange cap on the boy's head, surely, it would serve as a comfort rather than a weight this time.

Unknowingly to Ochobot, when the power sphere just shuts down, allowing himself to be fueled of energy on his resting-slash-charger bed. Boboiboy slaps his own cap away from his head.

Seems like it's still a weight even for his unconcious state.


The first time he fought Maripos, he felt fear.

Fear for it was another alien who seeks to steal his power.

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