Twenty four

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Little late but Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate and Happy Native American Heritage Month! This is just a short thanksgiving special chapter, I'm sorry if it's not much, I plan on working on the next chapter when I'm back home I've been away for the holidays. Hope you enjoy!

Side note thank you for the 188k that's just wow! Thank you guys for putting up with me! Lol

Katherine was overwhelmed with the many aromas upon entering the Clearwater home. Her mouth was watering at the smell of the turkey that was cooking in the oven. Sue Clearwater stood in the kitchen chopping potatoes as Seth skinned them. He showed a toothy grin as he greeted Katherine and Bella. Charlie stood besides Harry who sat in the living room watching a football game and sipping a beer.

"Hi girls!" Sue greeted them. "Wanna help set the table?" Katherine and Bella agreed. Katherine gathered plates as Bella grabbed the silverware and napkins.

"How many plates do we need?" Katherine asked the woman as she plopped the potatoes into an empty pot.

"We will need 9 plates. We're still waiting for Billy and Jake to get here."

As Katherine set up Leah entered the room, her eyes locked on Katherine for a moment before looking away when her eyes were met. Sue greeted her daughter then asked her to take a pot out to fill with water. Leah did as she was asked, setting the stove top to high.

After setting up Sue sent the kids out so she can finish up, Seth stayed behind to help his mom.

"Dork." Leah muttered. Seth stuck his tongue at her, rolling her eyes Leah returned the gesture before leaving the kitchen. 

"Kat can you grab me a beer?" Charlie asked from besides Harry, his eyes not leaving the tv screen. Katherine huffed before returning to the kitchen to retrieve one for her father.

The door bell rang signaling more guests have arrived. When Katherine came back into the room Harry was letting Billy and Jacob in who brought a pecan and pumpkin pie. Everyone said their hellos before the men and Jacob sat down to watch the game, Leah putting the pies in the kitchen. Katherine gave Charlie the beer before sitting on the arm of the recliner Bella was sitting on. The chair dipped back when she sat but quickly adjusted herself. Bella gave her an annoyed look which resulted in Katherine giving her a look.

The house started to smell mouth watering. Everyone's stomach grumbled at the thought of  eating. After an hour it was time to eat.

Everyone sat at the table, Katherine was wedged between Bella and Seth, Charlie being on Bella's other side, Leah, Jacob and Billy opposite of her, Harry between Seth and Billy who sat at the end. Leah sat across from Charlie besides her mom, Jacob across from Bella.

It was silent for the first round of food, once everyone broke into second Billy and Harry started talking about tribe history. Katherine found it interesting and listened intently.  Her eyes swept over the table stopping at Leah who met her gaze. She felt her cheeks flare for a second making her look away. Leah wore her hair in two short braids on both sides, she wore an maroon colored sweater and dark jeans, she looked cute in Katherines opinion.

Everyone was laughing or cringing as the men started joking around. Seth, Jacob and Sue were laughing as Leah and Bella just shook their heads. Katherine sat there amused but couldn't help the smile on her face. It was moments like these that made life good, being surrounded by your friends and family.

Katherine was walking into the wooded area by the Clearwaters, she excused herself to walk off the weight she gained from her meal she claimed. Katherine was pulling out a pack of Marlboro and lighter she kept on the inside of her jacket. She sparked the cigarette and walked further in, making sure she stray or lose sight of the house.

She took a deep inhale of the cigarette resisting the urge to cough from the big hit. The smoke dispersed into nothing as she exhaled. She was starting to feel jittery the more she dragged the cigarette. She hasn't smoked in a few days so the nicotine high was relevant. Katherine jumped when she heard the crunching of leaves. She spun around to see Leah with a stone cold expression.

"Those things kill you, you know?" She stated. Katherines cheeks were red from the cold but couldn't deny the blush coming on her face from being caught smoking. She didn't want Charlie or Bella to know, they would kill her. Leah walked closer to Katherine holding out her hand. She passed it over to Leah who took a long drag then coughed, she held it back out to Katherine who did so. Their hands brushed shooting a warmth against her skin.




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