chapter-76-golden plaque it is.

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Alberu rubbed his tempel. He Don't know whether he should be laughing on crying.

"So let me get this straight you blow up a whole fake city, cut off white star's arm and also the bear king's right arm, destroy the illusionist's  medium.

And the illusionist is the Monarch of the Molden Kingdom one of the strong kingdoms of the Eastern continent. One of the kingdoms allied with Arm?"

Cale nodded. Alberu look toward Cale and he couldn't help but smile. It seem that everytime Cale went to do something, something entirely new would come up.

Alberu forced Cale to lay down on his bed while he sit on the edge and report about what he need to report.

According to Cale the white star might be coming to Roan soon and Alberu need to prepare for that.

"When do you thi-" Alberu stop his words as he saw Cale dozing off. 'He must've been tired."

Alberu noted as he gently reposition Cale to a more comfortable position on the bed and stand up.

He decided to leave Cale to rest for today. As he was about to go out a knock came.

Alebru open the door to see Deruth standing there. Alberu motion him to be quiet.

Then he point back at the sleeping figure. Deruth immediately turn sour. How tured his son must've been to fall asleep on the crown prince's bed.

Deruth bow toward Alberu. "Thank you for taking care of your highness I will be taking my son back to the mansion now."

Alberu shake his head. "Let him as for now he might wake up if we move him we wouldn't want that would you."

Deruth look at Cale's figure uneasy but agree later. "Hi crown prince."

Raon greet Alberu as he flew past him. He got on top of the sleeping figure a snuggle closer.

Alberu smile at the cute and chubby 6 year old. He could get used to it. Deruth also sigh.

"Then I will leave you to rest your highness please take care of my son. I will come back to grab him in the morning."

Alberu see Deruth off before closing the door again. Then he return back to Cale's side.

He look at Cale face and said nothing. 'He look so pale and tired. Has he been eating recently.

Well Ron wouldn't be one to starve the young master he serve. Maybe Cale hasn't been eating properly.'

Alberu keep staring at Cale's sleeping face and eventually fall asleep. The next morning come shortly.

Alberu woke up to soft sound of snoring. He saw the red head laying in front of him.

Alberu smile fondly. He could get used to it. No matter how much Cale drive him crazy with his plans in the end they would always profit from it.

So Alberu couldn't help but forgive him for whatever he did, even though he had to deal with a bunch of paperwork.

Alberu brush the stray of hair in the red head's face. Cale stir a little. Then he calm back down as he grab Alberu's hand that was brushing his hair and snuggle closer.

This action made Alberu smile widen as he cover his face with his other hand.

He was certain his face was a beet root right now. Alberu then calm himself down as Count Deruth will be here in a moment and Alberu was going to take this chance to stare at Cale longer.

"Good morning frown prince." The little dragon stir awake as Alberu has to retreat his hand from Cale.

"Good morning Raon-nim." Alberu great back as Cale satrat d stirring in his sleep indicating that he has woke up.

"You highness? What time it is? Wait did I fall asleep in your bed." Cale sat up while sleepily rubbing his eyes.

Alberu had to hold hself not to squeals. Alberu nodded. "I should go back to the territory now. Thank you your highness but how did you sleep yesterday?"

"I didn't sleep as I have insomnia." Cal seem to be thinking as he turn serious.

"I see. Then it seem that I will be leaving for the eastern continent soon."

Alberu face lift up into a smirk as he figure out what Cale wanted. "Cale made sure to squeeze everything you can."

Cale also started smirking. "Of course it's only natural your highness."

-Human are we scamming someone?

Cale ignore the cute little dragon's voice. "She will have to be paying for what she did in the Dubori territory and I plan to collect a couple of rewards along the way."

Alberu nodded in agreement. "Yes we should have you rewarded for your hard work."

Cale face brightens. "Your highness the generous sun of th-" Alberu sigh.

"Goldn plaque it is."

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