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Prompt: N/A

Characters: Hels, mentions of others

Style: Backstory

Word Count: ~420

AU: Mortuus AU


It was cold. Well, not really. It was cold in the sense that it wasn't as warm as it had been on the other side of the portal. Hels reached to push a strand of hair away from its eyes, wishing it wasn't in the end anymore. It wasn't that it hated the end, after all it had spent many of its first few weeks on the server in the barren dimension. The air just felt suffocating to it, not in the way the nether air felt like it clogged your airways but in a way that made it seem like you could breathe all you want and never get any air.

It wasn't the only one on the Hermitcraft server who had difficulty with the varied airs of the different dimensions. It was often because of where they came from. They came from all sorts of places really.

The Void twins came from a small town in the far outer end. One of those places where everyone knows everyone else, and you can walk from one end to the other in half an hour. That town doesn't exist anymore. Neither does the far outer end.

Cleo came from The Server. More specifically, she came from That Town. She lived near The Place It Started. She had never lived anywhere else, she had however, existed in other places. She didn't 'live' anymore.

No one knew where TinFoilChef came from. There were rumours that he was there at the beginning of everything. These rumours are wrong, of course, but there was no harm in fun guesses. If only they knew how close they were.

Scar and his brother technically came from different places. They met through the vex and then thing went wrong. From then on they were siblings. No matter what others might say.

Wels came from Swordcraft, Hels came from Somewhere Else. This is very similar to Grian and NPG. Grian came from Wynncraft and NPG came from Somewhere Else. No human comes from Somewhere Else.

They were an odd group, the Hermits. In any other scenario they likely wouldn't be friends, some of them may even have been enemies, many would never have discovered the things they could do.

Some people say that they live on Hermitcraft. That they build their homes purely for the thrill of restarting. Some think they're crazy, some find them inspiring. Many believe they are normal people, living on a normal(ish) server. This is not true. They are not normal. They do not live. Not anymore.

They are the renaissance. They are the re-born. They are the past. They are the future. They are not alone.


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