149. grumpy couple

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a/n: am i desperately trying to finish this story before 2022? yes. that is why you'll be spammed with updates ;) i'm going to be SOOO busy at the start of the year so i need to take a real break from writing and to do that i really want to finish this one so i can start with book 2 when my life isn't a mess anymore! or at least i will finish it VERY soon.

so yes, here's a DOUBLE update (i promise i have a life lmao i'm just fast and i've written a lot of chapters already)

SOME TIME HAD PASSED, and next thing Claudia knew Christmas was over and they were creeping up on the later days of January

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SOME TIME HAD PASSED, and next thing Claudia knew Christmas was over and they were creeping up on the later days of January.

Which meant that her 18th birthday was coming up. However, the girl was not so lucky for she had gotten a rather nasty cold.

Staying in bad day in and day out in her dorm, Claudia was back to being - as said by Inez - "the world's biggest bitch". This also meant that most of her friends had given up on taking care of her, for they were tired of her flipping them off and being rather rude to them just as she often was every time she was sick.

However, as Pandora would describe it; being a bitch whilst sick was Claudia Maple's biggest and only real flaw.

Now, Claudia wouldn't exactly agree with the blonde girl who believed that she had no other flaws than that, but it was a fairly nice thing to say, so Pandora was the one she was the nicest to out of them all once they came and annoyed her.

However, she had not seen Remus in two days, which was strange considering how he would often just be there; always ready to give her chocolate and cuddles.

But, Claudia knew that the boy was in a bit of a rough stage just as she was, due to the fact that the full moon was in just a day and he normally had a tendency of just locking himself in his dorm without letting anyone in but her.

The girl sat up a little in her bed, and then she picked up the letter she had read over and over again ever since she had received it.

It was from her mother's cousins John and Cora, who Claudia occasionally owled but never really managed to see or interact with properly due to a million circumstances.

Those circumstances being her father, of course.

The letter read:

Dear Claudia,

We haven't seen any trace of him for a while. He's been in hiding, we understand, but we'll probably see him again after all of our faithful history, if you know what I mean.

A child near Surrey was recently attacked, unfortunately enough. It was very likely him, but we haven't been able to track him since. The little girl is just fine, but she's been infected sadly enough.

As for the news, however, do you need to see any of us? We're perfectly fine with coming to Hogsmeade if you need some support. You're our family, sweetheart, and you always will be. As for the fact that it wasn't on his initiative, are you completely sure that you do not wish for us to stop trying to find him as much as we do? I understand that it's not longer much of a personal vendetta, right? But, if I'm going to be honest, I do hope you're fine with us continuing. John and I are both, as you know, officially hired by the ministry, and Ella is almost done with her Auror training. We've got all the facilities we need, and alongside Alastor Moody we've most certainly gotten ourself closer to putting him behind bars and protecting people from him and others who put our world in danger.

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