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04. 𝒂 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒎

"DAD!" Riley shouted at her father, who was slumped on the couch

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"DAD!" Riley shouted at her father, who was slumped on the couch.

He'd come home around eleven-thirty last night, and it was nine in the morning now. What he'd contemplated about his work scenario was coming to bite him in the ass quicker than he thought.

Riley was off school until September rolled around again, and she still thought he had to work. He didn't.

She shoved him a little, his face rubbing harshly against the pillow as she did. He groaned, inhaling the stench of the pillow fabric.

Suddenly his arms pushed him up, as he quickly positioned himself to face whomever just woke him up, from no dream in particular.

His eyes took in the light too harshly as his eyes flew to his face, trying to rub away the dragging sleep and everlasting stench of smoke and alcohol from his jacket. He didn't smoke, but the people around him outside the bar did as he walked home.

"Mm, what's up?" He muttered, plopping his forehead into his hands as he attempted to awaken himself faster. Riley huffed out a sigh.

"Dad, it's ten-thirty. Shouldn't you be at work?"

Work--? What the hell-- shit!

And suddenly Eddie was awake as his body was carrying him forward, knocking into Riley who almost fell.

"Sorry," he muttered, and she just brushed it off. He quickly headed to his room, seldom from the truth that Riley didn't know yet.

Just the mention of the word 'work' made him believe she already knew.

And now he was stuck, as he stared into his closet blankly. He had one of two choices to make.

He could get dressed, make sure Riley had breakfast and had a plan for the day, and then head out like he was going to work.

Or, he could go back out into the living room and tell Riley he'd lost his job.

Okay, he got fired, but it's the same difference. Right?

"Uh, Dad?" Riley calls abruptly, making him startle.

Eddie clears his throat, "uh, y-yeah? What's up?"

"You're late for work,"

"I know that, I'm getting ready-- hey what are you doing today? Did you eat breakfast yet?"

Riley takes the bait, her attention span very chaotic, incredibly similar to Eddie's.

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 | 𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕠𝕞 Where stories live. Discover now