The Decision

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Y/N jolted awake to their alarm. They were so tired the night before that they hadn't even felt themself drift off to sleep. They fell back again, groaning in annoyance, and scrunching the covers over their face before they turned their alarm off. They got up and headed into the bathroom for their daily shower, memories from yesterday coming back to them slowly but surely. "That's right.. I need to figure out what I'm going to do," their thoughts started up again already, "do I put myself in the danger I was trying to avoid, or do I get myself a new apartment? The apartment obviously, I'm not that stupid." They snorted to themself as they grabbed their body wash and scrub of choice. As they cleaned themself their mind started to wonder and it even went to imagining their possible adventure with Chrollo. They began to daydream about traveling the world and running away from the authorities. They couldn't help but get butterflies in their stomach at just the thought. It was exhilarating to think about. "Okay. Maybe I am that stupid," they laughed at themself as they turned off the water and got out. They dried themself off quickly, and did their hair how they like it, putting some clothes that were professional but comfortable on. They threw their shoes on and ran downstairs to the food court, stepping in the very short line. They didn't know why but they were much more energetic than they've been in a while. Maybe it was the adrenaline of the fantasizing what could be if they took the spider up on his offer. They shook this off, because it honestly didn't matter to them at that moment. Chrollo walked up behind them and smiled at them. 

"Good morning Y/N. You're here early," he was a bit surprised.

"I am?" they looked at their phone, "I am. I guess I'm just a bit excitable today," they laughed.

"That's good, hopefully."

"After yesterday it's amazing," they smiled at him.

He smiled back and pointed forward, "you're up."

"Oh!" they rushed forward. 

They ordered their usual quickly and waited patiently for it to be given to them. The worker on duty handed them their order and they started to walk off, nearly forgetting to thank the worker who served them. They turned and thanked them quickly before turning back around with a pep in their step. It was rough enough working that early in the morning and they at least deserved a thank you.

"I'll see you in the metro," they called out to Chrollo before running off to the metro station.

They ate their food on the way to the station, shoving half of it into their face in a rush and took a sip of their drink. The train arrived at the station as they did.They grinned and stepped on, taking note that there was only one more seat left open. They gladly sat themself down, shoving the last bite of their breakfast down their gullet shamelessly. Y/N bounced their leg casually as they sip their drink, watching the other people who were waiting flood in the doors. Chrollo stepped in as the doors were closing, grabbing onto the bars at the top in front of them. They had spaced out for a moment and didn't even notice him get on. They looked up, curious on why this random man in an oddly familiar jacket was hovering over them so comfortably. He looked back down at them.

"Its pretty crowded today, huh?" he smiled at them, and motioned to the unusually crowded bus.

"It is. I'm kind of glad I got here early, if I'm honest," they smiled back, rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly.

"I almost didn't make it!"

"Wow, how the tables have turned," they smirked and cackled softly at their own joke

He laughed a little and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, gripping the bar above them tightly enough to keep balance, "yeah."

They took another sip of their drink, content with their current situation on the metro. Their mind began to wander a bit during the ride, going to a more serious place. They still had a decision to make. "If I do decide to go with Chrollo I'll have to find a replacement for myself," they sighed softly, "but if I don't go I'm going to feel just as unfulfilled and empty as at the coffee shop," their thoughts continued on, making them space out again. They hadn't noticed Chrollo watching them curiously until the bus stopped and snapped them out of their trance-like state. They briefly made eye contact with him before looking away. They've never exactly liked eye contact. They stood up and walked off with Chrollo trailing behind them nonchalantly. The pair made it to the library, and opened up the doors, holding them open as Chrollo walked in. He thanks them with a small smile and headed back to his usual table. They walked behind the front desk, noticing Gloria still wasn't back from the hospital. "I wonder what happened that she's still in the hospital. It must've been pretty bad," they thought, throwing their trash away in the break room and walking over to Gloria's computer, "she probably has some things that need to be printed out today too," they opened up her emails on her computer and looked in a folder labeled for that day. Sure enough there was quite a few pages of paper work to be printed out for that day. They were thankful for just how organized the old woman was. They printed the files and tucked them away in Gloria's desk drawers for later. They sighed and sat down, perking up a bit as Chrollo walked over to them.

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