Under RnD (research and development)

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Project Silent Hunter

Government annual allocated funds 900 million ASEAN ccy's (currency)

Project aims to produce and provide sufficient chemical and bio weapons to the special warfare department of ASEAN in an event of an adversaries equipped with weapon of mass destruction appears in future. Additionally it is one of pillars of deterrence against the possible revival of RE or transference of another more powerful country than their own.

 Additionally it is one of pillars of deterrence against the possible revival of RE or transference of another more powerful country than their own

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Chemical type weaponry slated to be produced:

-Nerve agents such as VX, sarin and cyclohexylsarin.

-Choking agents or lung toxicants such as chlorine and phosgene.

-The research department didn't only produce lethal they also intended to produce some Incapacitating agents for future use such as anticholinergic compounds

-The research department didn't only produce lethal they also intended to produce some Incapacitating agents for future use such as anticholinergic compounds

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Bio type weaponry slated to be produced:

-Botulinum Toxin


-Weaponized Ebola Virus or anything that could be substituted

Project 177 Thunder Strike

Government annual allocated funds: 3.5 billion ASEAN ccy's in modifications and another 6 billion ccy's in modular systems mounted in the aircrafts

*This is a project formed due to lack of the Air Force fire power projection during Rodenius Conflict. Thus they were ordered to design a new type of aircraft or convert and militarized any existing civilian type to became a bomber with a minimum payload of 40 250 Pounds and ferry range of 15,000 Kilometers.

Chosen platform Boeing 747 and 737 that could be requisitioned in an event of war. Current number of modified aircraft is 10 out of 80 planned and more in to be deployed in the future.



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