Weird Dreams are Just Dreams

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3rd Person POV

October arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Madam Pomfrey, the nurse, was kept busy by a sudden spate of colds among the staff and students. Her Pepper-up potion worked instantly, though it left the drinker smoking at the ears for several hours afterward. Ginny Weasley, who had been looking pale, was bullied into taking some by Percy. The steam pouring from under her vivid hair gave the impression that her whole head was on fire. Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds. (Y/n) noted that ever since her birthday, Hermione became very timid, especially around him. (Y/n) was worried that Hermione didn't like her present, but he couldn't loose any sleep over it. Literary, he couldn't loose any sleep over it because his weird dreams had limited his sleep. The dreams had gotten worse. He was averaging about 6 to 7 hours of sleep, sometimes he would find himself day dreaming with strange visions. (Y/n) blamed it on the weather, he didn't particularly like the cold. 

Harry had been invited by Sir Nearly Headless Nick to attend his Deathday party. (Y/n) thought it was a bit morbid, he didn't have any particular interest to go. He wanted to attend the Halloween feast that he missed last year because he was comforting a crying Hermione in the girls bathrooms. As it turned out, (Y/n) couldn't go to either. A couple of days ago, Professor McGonagall came to (Y/n) while he was having lunch at the Great Hall and politely informed him that the headmaster wished to see him in his office on the night of Halloween. (Y/n) was ultimately confused. Why would Professor Dumbledore want to see him? He hadn't caused any trouble right? Oh... I punched the blonde git square in the face... (Y/n) eventually knew he would be punished for it, but he had honestly forgotten about it. It seems like the others did too because Ron and Harry were giving (Y/n) a confused look while Hermione had a What have you done now?  sort of look. It made (Y/n) smirk a little. (Y/n) gave them a warm smile, trying to dispel their concerns. It didn't work for Hermione.

Later that night, (Y/n) enjoyed the festivities of the Halloween feast. While we was enjoying his pumpkin pasty he saw the headmaster at the teachers table give him a wink and raise his own pumpkin pasty to him. (Y/n) gulped with fear, then he paused, why would the headmaster give  him a wink if he was about to talk to him about hitting another student? (Y/n) was confused to say the least. His thoughts were pushed aside when he saw the headmaster leave the table and make his way to the exit, (Y/n) had no doubt that he was going to his office. (Y/n) quickly excused himself from the Gryffindor table, wishing that he could continue chatting away with Neville and Lavender, making his way to the headmasters office.

Stairs at Hogwarts are not straightforward. The 142 staircases vary in shape, size and destination. There are wide ones, narrow ones, some with vanishing steps and others that lead somewhere different on a Friday. (Y/n) figured that on his journey to the headmaster's office, he climbed about half of them. Hogwarts was a good place for cardio and leg strength. When first arrived at Hogwarts, he was surprised with Hermione's strength to carry all of her books around. He was even more surprised by her ability to see with the tower of books she carried in front of her. It's what (Y/n) used to spot her when she was in crowds of students around her. (Y/n) took his final step up the staircase and caught his breath. (Y/n) knew that the Headmaster's office was just down the hall. He made his way down the marble hall, nervous on what his meeting with Dumbledore would be about. He pushed his thoughts away as he found himself in front of Dumbledore's notorious loyal stone gargoyles. (Y/n) then realized that He had never been told the password. Could he use this as an excuse? No.. (Y/n) thought. It was important that he confronted his mistakes, even though Draco did deserve it. (Y/n) stood there, blank minded on what the password could be, he had an idea. Could it be? He thought to himself. "Pumpkin Pasty." (Y/n) said with confidence. The stone gargoyles growled at him as the large oak doors swung open.   

One thing was certain, of all the teachers' offices (Y/n) had visited so far,, Dumbledore's was by far the most interesting. It was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat, the Sorting Hat. Next to the headmaster's desk was a beautiful red phoenix. (Y/n) had seen them before, it was his family's crest after all. He remembered that his family had a stunning ivory phoenix. He didn't know if it was still alive. It had been quite sometime since he had been too the family mansion, he kind of missed the place, it was a maze of mystery to him. (Y/n) assumed that the family house elves would be taking care of it. (Y/n) looked over to see the Headmaster busily scribbling away with quill in hand. He paused to see (Y/n)taking in the Headmaster's office, his eyes twinkled. "Have a seat (Y/n)." Dumbledore said smiling. (Y/n) nodded and sat in front of the Headmaster, filled with curiosity. "Do you know why I asked for you to see me tonight (Y/n)?" Dumbledore asked him. (Y/n) shifted in his seat. "I have some idea Professor, but I'm now thinking that it might be about something else. Which I have no idea what it could be about..." (Y/n) said with a light hearted chuckle, making Dumbledore in response. 

"I've been hearing whispers (Y/n)..." Dumbledore said calmly. (Y/n) swallowed hard, this was surely it, he knew that Dumbledore didn't like violence. (Y/n) was hoping that he could get away with a week's detention, he knew however that the slimy git's father was on the school board and would have definitely pushed for a harsh punishment. "That you have trouble sleeping." Now that surprised (Y/n). He wasn't expecting Dumbledore to say that. Wait. How did Dumbledore know about his sleeping trouble? "So young (Y/n), what seems to be the problem?" Dumbledore asked an already confused (Y/n). "Well..." (Y/n) said with a sigh trying to recall when it started. "I started having dreams after my incident with the giant chess set and they have gotten progressively more intense." (Y/n) rambled and looked up at Dumbledore for a reaction, only to see him with a smile. "No dreams are normal (Y/n). Weird dreams are just that, dreams. Please tell me in detail what you saw from them." Dumbledore added. (Y/n) hesitated a little, he didn't like that, not one bit. But still, if it could help Dumbledore help him, he would do it. (Y/n) took a deep breath. "I remember seeing fire. Lots and lots of fire. Villages set ablaze and burned to the ground. The smell burning flesh. The screams of people fleeing for their lives." (Y/n) said, he took another deep breath. "I could feel it as if I was there, in person. I could feel the heat in the air burn against my skin, the leather grip of my sword, weight of my helmet and armor." (Y/n) noticed that Dumbledore had gone quiet and looked at him with great interest. "And then I could hear it roar... It was nothing I've ever heard before Professor." "Do you know what it is?" the headmaster asked. "I don't know." (Y/n) replied. "I never saw it, ever. O could hear it though. It had wings, I could hear it flap them." (Y/n) saw the headmaster deep in thought. "Professor? How did you know about my sleeping issue?" (Y/n) asked, hoping the answer wasn't that they were being watched while they slept. Dumbledore's expression eased back to his usual cheerful demeanor. "It's one of my quirks as headmaster, I just know when a student is in trouble." he answered. "Thankyou (Y/n) for answering my questions. I want you to go see Madam Pomfrey, I have instructed her to make you a sleeping draught for tonight, hopefully it will help. Goodnight (Y/n)." "Goodnight Professor" (Y/n) replied as he sat from his chair and made his way out, making sure to gently close the large oak doors behind him.

(Y/n) then made his way to the infirmary. He didn't like the idea of regularly seeing Madam Pomfrey to collect his sleeping draught. Because someone would find out, especially Hermione, and that was the last thing (Y/n) wanted. Maybe he could ask her to teach him how to make it? He eventually made his way there to find a busy as always Madam Pomfrey. She handed him a vial, telling him to take no more than a sip in bed and that it would last him 3 days before he need another vial. (Y/n) pocketed it and made his way back to the common room. (Y/n) ended up being caught in the massive crowd of students who had just left the Great Hall. He ended up chatting to Neville again. His attention was turned to the commotion ahead of him. He could hear the students murmur with fear. (Y/n) looked up to see Harry Hermione and Ron, that wasn't the issue, it was the fact that THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED.ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE  had been written in what (Y/n) assumed was blood. This is not good (Y/n) thought as he could see Harry look nervous as ever.


Hey guys, sorry for the delay, should be able to update on a schedule from now on. Hope you enjoy the new chapter!

- Sam.F

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