{8.2} Whistle

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{Aspen's POV}

"Imagine my surprise when I got that call saying you were in fact alive, Mr. Karieo. And in Canada nonetheless." The young man holding a gun to Balor's head says, pressing the gun further into Balor's head.

"Life is full of surprises." Balor replies dryly.

"Indeed it is. The story continues though. During said call, I'm offered a million dollars just for that pretty little head of yours." The man taps his gun against Balor's head, "Bonus points if I get you there alive."

Balor's face drops as he glances back at the man.

"A million f*cking dollars? That's all I'm worth?" He says, his tone clearly offended.

"I found the reward a bit high." The man comments.

"F*ck you Oslo."

Balor knows these people?

"How about you and the girl get out of the car and come into ours. Everything could go smoothly so no one gets hurt." The man named Oslo suggests, making Balor chuckle.

The boy who I forgot was right beside me for a moment, suddenly clicks my seatbelt off. Balor's face drops as he looks at the boy and puts his finger on the trigger, Daring him to make another move. This boy is way to close for comfort.

"Calm down Balor, you're not in control here. Let Finn help the girl, she's clearly injured."

Injured? Me? Where?

I bring my hand to my face and feel around. I feel something wet on the side and bring my hand down to look at it.


I didn't know I got hit this bad.

"And who's f*cking fault is that?" Balor asks.

"Yours, now come on, let's not linger any longer. People will start to get suspicious, yes?" Oslo says.

"Your delusional if you think we're going with you Oslo." Balor says.

"Always so defiant." Oslo clicks his tongue. "Finn, help the girl out, we must go now."

"Finn, touch her and you get a bullet to the brain." Balor says.

"You wont shoot me Balor." Finn finally speaks, his voice is deep.

"Want to test it Finny?" Balor asks.

They all seem to be having a great conversation. Do you think they would notice if I just quickly left? I don't think I'm needed here.

Getting tired of the banter, I slowly bring my hand behind my back, making sure the boys aren't noticing. I grip the gun in my waistband, waiting for the right moment to move.

"Get out of the car Balor." Oslo demands.

"Nah." Balor replies.

"I'm done with your sh*t." Oslo says as he moves the gun from Balor's head and points it at mine.


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