Chapter Twenty-One

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"'Based on the information we have gathered, Camilla seems to be innocent. There is no evidence against her, so unless that changes, we will defend her. If you have any information that you would like to add, please contact us in the journalism classroom during first period or after school.'"

Michelle set the newspaper down on the desk. "Well, Camilla," Michelle began, "you were right. They're not against us, especially not now."

Camilla nodded in agreement, but she knew that Michelle was right all along, she just didn't know it. Camilla had expected them to expose her in the next newspaper or to at least make the interview recording public, but they pretended to support her, and she had no idea why. It would have made sense if they had published their stance, that way if Camilla took them out, there would be solid evidence that they were against her. But because they lied that they were on her side, Camilla couldn't help but wonder if they were really just stupid or had something planned.

"I don't know where Meagan is," Michelle mumbled, glancing at the doorway. Class didn't start for another ten minutes or so, but it was still strange.

As if on cue, Meagan entered the room, lips pursed as she sat down quickly. Michelle giggled at her timing, but Meagan said nothing. Michelle eventually took the hint and became uncomfortable.

"Everything okay?" Camilla asked with more curiosity than concern.

As if she was ready to burst, Meagan snapped, "No, actually, Camilla. Everything's not okay."

Camilla's face twitched. When people blew up at her, her competitive nature would surface, and she would be tempted to degrade any challenger. She had to remind herself at times like these that she couldn't compete with her friends, otherwise she would no longer have any.

A moment of silence passed as Camille held herself back. Meagan sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. That was misdirected anger. But you'd be pissed too if your best friend was being a selfish piece of-"

"Shane?" Michelle interrupted, to which Meagan scoffed in exasperation. "What did he do?"

Sucking her cheeks, she paused and eventually mumbled, "I wasn't supposed to let you find out, Camilla, but Shane likes you. And, well, I like him. I was excited as hell when you and André got together because I thought he'd get over you." She rolled her eyes. Camilla had never seen her so annoyed. "Once he found out you two broke up, he became convinced it was his opportunity to ask you out."

"But I just broke up with him literally two days ago," Camilla said.

"Exactly," she replied, huffing again. "I tried to tell him it was a stupid idea, but he's got his heart set. He got all pissed off when I discouraged him from doing it."

Their teacher silenced the class to begin her lecture, to which Michelle responded by continuing to interrogate Meagan, and Camilla listened. She knew she would have to reject him, but that could be problematic. Her friends defending her were the only reason her reputation wasn't completely shattered, so losing any more friends could do harm. She already may have lost André, and with this situation, she could lose Shane and Meagan as well.

The class went by with Meagan and Michelle paying no attention to the class work, but the teacher indifferent about it-they can get away with anything when they're friends with the star student, Camilla Green.

Leaving the room, Camilla caught sight of Shane across from her. She held her breath as he noticed her too and strolled her way.

"Hey," he greeted, almost out of breath. "Hey, Camilla. What's-uh-what's up?"

"I'm just heading to my locker," she replied. It was dismissive enough that she hoped he would become discouraged. But she should have known Shane was too stubborn.

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