Chapter 42: I guess cynicism runs in the family

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Chapter 42: I guess cynicism runs in the family


   Aurora was still bleeding from her nose and somewhere near her hairline. I couldn't help but feel slightly envious - she looked flawless.

   Meanwhile my glasses we're crushed and only one lens remained in my poor battered frames and I looked like I got run over by a stampede of animals.

   "How did you know I was here?" She asked as I hobbled over to the vanity chair and slumped down on it. It wasn't as comfortable as the one in Chris's office. I felt even more shittier.

   "I didn't," I said, inspecting my poor knee, already beginning to bruise. "I was looking for Rachel, then I heard you from the corridor," Shit. I didn't usually bruise that easily, but the tissue surrounding my knee was becoming a deep purpleish red and an intense thumping sensation burned deep like it grew its own heartbeat.

   Well shit. What if my leg just broke off and decided to start a life of its own?

   "Why did you help me?"

   I cut her a sharp, surprised look. "Are you serious? You were about to get raped Aurora," I think he slammed her head a little too hard into the vanity table.

   When I glanced over at Daniel I sighed in relief. The disgusting rat was still knocked out, blood leaking from his nose. Ew.

   "Yes, but I was a bit of a bitch to you the past couple of days. Even when Faust acted dickish at dinner last night and the day before that, when I told you about the party,"

   My brows rose at that. "Aurora, I think we should go to the infirmary. That cut is getting to your head,"

   She was unrelenting. "I lied to you about the others knowing. Your friends I mean, Yuri and Adjuzo...I-they left before she - you know. And you probably already know by now that I lied, so why did you still help me?"

   Is this girl serious? I might just slap her for the heck of it.

   "You know, you could probably just say thanks. Or maybe even give me a thumbs up, I'm not picky."

   I moved to stand up, pausing to hiss at the sharp pain that surged through my knee and leg. Holy sweet Lord, that hurts. It hurts a helluva lot more than you'd think. Think of the worst period cramps, multiply it by ten, add a toothache (because they hurt like shit), add getting impaled through the eyeball with a branch wrapped in thorns and nettles and more painful stuff, and then think of that inside your whole left leg.

   Feels like a fucking charm.

   "You can't tell my brothers about any of this," Aurora murmured, giving me a sharp look. If I wasn't in pain I might have been a little terrified at that. She was almost as dangerous as her brothers. I guess cynicism runs in the family. "What's it going to take to keep your silence?"

   Yep, definitely a Genovese.

   I scoffed. "Fuck that. I'm not going to accept a bribe just because I showed a little human decency. I don't want anything,"

   I limped over to the costume rack, aware of her narrowed eyes on me, watching my every move. I picked out a victorian skirt, some pink ruffled item and threw it to her. She hesitated, eyeing me like I was deranged, before untying my blazer and putting the skirt on.

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