🌠King Eden

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AUTHOR: @RowanCarver
GENRE: Science Fiction


•Cover: 9/10

•Blurb: 10/10

•Writing Style & Presentation: 20/20

•Character & Dialogue Development: 19/20

•Plot Originality & Development: 20/20

•Grammar & Punctuation: 20/20


_____________TOTAL POINT: 98/100

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The cover of this story is very attractive and it has this scifi vibe to it. Kudos to your graphic artist!

The blurb is what a perfect story description should be. I tell people every time to sell their stories through their blurb, I mean if your blurb isn’t interesting, no one will read your book; and your blurb is more than just interesting. Your blurb is an actual example of how blurbs should be written and I think people should learn from it.

King Eden is a well written and thrilling tale of adventure, power and love. The story is set in a dystopian world and follows the trials of a very powerful leader as she fights to get her only child back from her enemies. If you haven’t read this book, then you are totally missing out!

The opening paragraph just captivates you and it becomes impossible to drop the book until you have found out what the faith of dear Eli would be.

King Eden isn’t perfect, in other circumstances I could say she is a villain but that’s just how thrilling this tale is. The characters will make you question mankind and it beliefs.

Even if science fiction isn’t your preferred genre, I will advise every new writer to read this book just to learn a thing or two about writing.

The plot development, plot pace, characterization, dialogue formation and story presentation was done absolutely right in my opinion. Yes, there were a few typos (maybe) but those are obvious mistakes we all make. Aside that, King Eden is truly a very beautiful tale that is also beautifully written.😊


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