09| Breakdown

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I was so fucking hungry.

I stumbled out of bed and walked out of my room. My stomach was groaning loudly and I needed to give it some food quickly. My head was hurting again which told me that I had passed out.

Note to self: don't stress too much, it makes you pass out.

The kitchen was lit and I bit back a groan when I spotted Silas and Hector. They immediately looked up when I walked inside. I didn't feel like talking because my stomach was still crying for food.

Maybe Greta was still around but then I looked at the clock. It was midnight, she was already asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. She had to feed eight people a day and keep the house clean. The poor woman deserved a golden award and good night sleep.

"Sit down, Elena," Hector spoke.

"I'm hungry."

I walked to the cabinets but a hand stopped me. Silas tugged me along to the dining table and sat me down before disappearing into the kitchen. He came back a moment later with a steaming plate of mashed potatoes, some greens, and steak.

I greedily took it and started to fill up my poor stomach.

"Eat slowly, you brat." Silas scolded me.

"Don't test me right now, muscle man," I warned him.

He raised his eyebrows at me with a dumb grin. Then he proceeded to ruffle my hair like I'm a dog. I slapped his hand away but that just made him chuckle.

"We need to discuss what happened today. I'd like you to tell me everything."

Hector sat in front of me with a cup of tea. His tie was gone and he had unbuttoned the first three buttons of his shirt. It was already late and I wondered why they weren't in bed yet.

"The twins locked me out of the car and drove off without me. I didn't have a phone." I gave him a pointed look.

He simply nodded for me to continue.

"So I went to the main office and used the phone there to call you. Then you told me that a few of your men would come and pick me up. So I went to wait outside for them. Those men parked in front of me and told me that you sent them."

"What did they exactly say?" He questioned.

"Mr Cassano asked us to pick you up, Miss," I recalled.

His grip on the teacup tightened as he just stared at me.

"Who was with you she called?" He asked Hector.


I didn't know who Antonio was but he made Silas curse.

"I'm going to-" Hector cut Silas off.

"Continue." He told me.

I frowned slightly but did as told.

"I got in the car with them and I didn't think much of it until they started to speak Russian."


"Yes, I figured you might not hire Russian employees given your whole occupation."

He raised his eyebrows at me but I just shrugged my shoulders. I knew that they were part of the Italian Mafia, so it would seem odd for him to have Russian employees.

"Then I asked them to make a toilet break. They didn't want to at first so I lied that I had my period."

"And that worked?" Silas muttered.

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