The Last Celestial

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Irisa's POV

I was in my sister's throne room. "Let's bring him in" said Maryse. I looked to the doors and they opened with the last celestial to ever exist. "I am the bad angel and here in my arms is Shade" said Calice.

"Instead of being the last celestial we broke him into being a demon" said Nila. "That is wonderful" said Leigh. "He is now a hunter of goddesses" said Arya. I smiled at this amazing news. He will be the one to end what I have started.

The demons cheered and applauded. Traian and Evander stabbed his side with little daggers. "Everyone look his blood" said Xavier. "His blood is slowly falling" said Lucian. "His eyes are blood shot" said Ferio. "Looks like this look suits him" said Gene.

"Are you satisfied Irisa" said Alvaro. "I am indeed" I said as I looked to him. "He was made to kill Ivory" said Alvaro. "I see" I said as I looked back to Shade. "He will hunt at your command" said Alijah. "When the time comes he will be ready" I said.

"Let's see if he will survive all of your attacks" said Maryse as she pointed to everyone in the room. "This shall be interesting" said Leigh. "Let's start" said Kahea. We stood and watched as they tore him apart.

Shade's POV

I had no hope anymore. I was broken and they ruined my life. "Attack, attack" I kept saying as I was saying this under my breath. My mind was not able to connect to my body. I saw everyone attack me with daggers.

I was moving on my own and I wanted to stop. I didn't want them to stab me. Every time they cut me made me be under their orders. This was killing me and they enjoyed my torture. I knew that this was my last chance of me ever being normal again.

They told me I had a daughter. I also know that we will escape soon because of Laverne. I had to stop them but it was too late every scar made me break even more and I knew I was completely gone after a couple of hours of this torture.

I don't ever want to hurt Ivory and my little girl Melody. I wanted to protect them but now my mind is now corrupted. Killing both of them is what I have to do. I believe Irisa wants Melody to come home to the underworld where she should be in her eyes.

Irisa's POV

I watched as Shade finally broke. He was ours for the taking. Thank you sister for helping us get out of here. Laverne was smart enough to help us get out of here. She wants us to be together as a whole family so I can't blame her for that. I just want to stop the prophecy.

Just as I was thinking about Laverne I felt a portal being formed. This is coming sooner than we think. We are almost back in power. The magic feeling never felt this much better. Everyone felt the same magic power of the portal.

"This is our chance to kill off the angels" said Maryse. "Guards to the portal" said Leigh. "Time for war" I said well everyone cheered. "Enough I am done with all of this" said someone standing right beside me. Everyone in the room looked to who had spoke.

I looked to find Alvaro was the one talking. "We have wanted war before humans became a thing. It is time for us to put this behind us and rest" said Alvaro as he spoke aloud. "I'm sorry you felt this way" I said as my wings came out.

His wings came out and he grabbed his daggers. Everyone got their weapons ready to attack him. I watched him as he became stiff from fright. I watched him take off into the sky. Instead of fighting he ran. "After him" yelled Maryse.

Everyone took off after the orders. We flew after him towards the portal. I followed behind him but when we made it to earth he flew away. We didn't stop until we reached the clouds. Shade followed behind me well we flew to heaven.

Alvaro's POV

I flew away hoping to never join them again. I hated always having to fight. It was never about peace. It was better when we were having to help each other. Irisa will fail but she won't admit it to herself.

I kept flying even though they stopped chasing me. I saw a village and I landed on the ground. I made my wings disappear. When I turned to walk away I saw a human walking towards me. "Hello" said the girl.

"What do you want from me" I asked her. "You look to be in pain" she said to me. I looked to my side and I barely noticed I had a dagger in my side. I fell to the ground since the human couldn't know I was a demon. I didn't know I was even bleeding.

I dropped to the floor and she ran towards me. "Let me bring you to my home" she said. I nodded my head and she led me into her house. I liked how some humans are so nice. This was my way of being free. I was happy because someone cared for me.

It was different from everyone trying to kill me every day. I thought I was alone for the rest of my life. Seeing a human being nice to a demon is new for a change. It was pleasing to me. I felt like I could trust her.

She brought me inside her house and I sat on her furniture that she placed me on. She ran to go fetch me water. I watched her and I felt the most strangest feeling. She reminded me of a house wife. I have only heard of those in hell.

She handed me water and came back with food and some type of medicine. She put a wet cloth over my head as she feed me with a spoon. I felt loved for the first time in my life. "What is your name" I asked her. She then said to me "My name is Aleyna."

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