Chapter 41

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》Y/N's POV

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》Y/N's POV

It had been a while since I had been at the bifrost. The rainbow bridge was shimmering below my feet as I led my horse behind me. Thor and Elin were both walking ahead of me, towards a man dressed in golden armor-Heimdall.

"Welcome your highnesses. Miss Y/N. I suppose I'll be sending you back to Midgard." The wise man spoke, shuffling towards the middle of the circular room.

Thor nodded quietly, no more words needed to be spoken. We all left our horses outside and flooded the room. I was nervous. What if I failed to save the universe? I'm just one person against a powerful god and a crazed man yearning for a world built to his own needs and desires.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to my side where Elin had lightly layed her hand on my shoulder. She gave me a smile. "Don't overthink, Y/N. I know you can do this. We believe in you."

I wish that that had made me feel better, but it didn't. I couldn't shake off my fear or the many what ifs. I was playing with time and luck, and unfortunately we didn't have enough time or luck to overestimate our chances.

I quietly smiled at Elin, trying to keep my emotions behind a mask of bravery.

Elin and Thor moved towards the other side of the room while Heimdall lowered his sword. They were waiting for me to join them. I looked at Heimdall who looked into my eyes with silent reassurance. I nodded confidently and hurried to stand between Thor and Elin. Both of them took my hands as we faces the closed portal.

"Open the bifrost!" Thor commanded, and with no other words Heimdall let the bifrost open. The portal glowed brightly, and before I could even process everything, the three of us were being sucked into the portal.

I had forgotten how weird it felt to travel through the universe using the bifrost. I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling a bit dizzy, but in less than a few seconds, the light deemed around me and my feet felt the harsh, dusty ground under my shoes. I opened my eyes as my hearing heightened at the sound of beeping and honking. I could hear a few mean curses and a few other gasps amongst the crowd gathering in the sidelines. I had to squint my eyes at the sudden lights bombarding my vision all around me. I realized then I was back in New York. We had interrupted traffic by landing right in the middle of Time Square. I could hear the familiar pop music in the street and see the usual mindless pedestrians stopping to film us or gasp.

I looked at Thor and Elin, and I didn't know who seemed more horrified. Thor was a bit used to seeing Midgardians, but maybe not this hoard of them at once. In the other hand, Elin's eyes had gone big and her round nose flared. I noticed her hand hover over the handle of the sword at her hip. I knew she was holding back from completely freaking out.

I squeezed her hand lightly, which made her head snap towards me in a flash. I smiled at her and whispered, "Don't be afraid. These are humans, just like me." That seemed to have calmed her as her free hand dropped to her side and her eyes slowly regained their normal size.

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