12: Next Day

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POV: Narrator

Mrs. Walker: Seth, wake up.

Seth: Eh? Oh, hey mom.

Mrs. Walker: Are you ok, you never had this problem before?

Seth: I'm fine mom, just worn out.

Mrs. Walker: Are you sure? If somethings wrong tell me ok.

Seth: Alright. I will.

Seth's mother turns and walks down the stairs. He gets out of bed and looks at his notes.

Seth: Cameron, Tyler, Cole, Luna, Jade, and, Patty? Who's that?

He looks on the back of the card and it drops it.

Seth: AH!! G-GIRLFRIEND!?!?!


Seth sits in his car looking in down. Luna knocks on the window and opens the door.

Luna: Heya, did you sleep well?

Seth: Oh, ah, yeah I guess.

Luna: That's good. I did too. I woke up with messy hair though which was a lot of work to deal with.

Seth: I bet.

Luna: Hey, are you ok?

Seth: Ah, yeah, I'm ok. Just thinking something.

Luna: Ooo what's on your mind?

Seth: Um, how do I put this. Luna, do I have a girlfriend?

Luna: . . . Um, no?

Seth: Hmm.

Seth Thinking: Could that have been a prank for something? Patty, it sounds familiar, but girlfriend, no way.

Luna: Why would you ask that?

Seth: It's nothing, forget I said anything.

Luna: Hmm, ok.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Thankfully it was 2 minutes till school, but it was the longest 2 minutes for Luna's life.

They get out and meet Cameron, Tyler, and Cole starting to walk.

Tyler: Oh hey you two.

Cameron: Man I got a test today and I'm not ready for that.

Cole: That's your fault if you aren't ready.

Seth: Hey guys.

Luna: Hey Seth ask them, they might know something I don't.

Tyler: What's up Seth, you forget something?

Seth: I guess. Do I have a girlfriend?

The guys stop and stand there, not wanting to answer. There are two reasons for this.

Tyler Thinking: Luna's right here. How would I respond to that!?

Cameron Thinking: He didn't even respond to Goldsmont the other day so it's not even sealed as a couple, but there was a conversation.

Cole Thinking: Luna's here and we don't even have real answer do seal the deal of a couple. Damn it Seth how do you forget this!!!

Cameron: Heh heh, you think you'll get a girlfriend before me, come on bud.

Seth: Heh, like I thought.

Cameron Thinking: Technically I'm not lying. It was an indirect answer, but not a good one. Goldsmont will want an answer today, and if Seth doesn't even know the situation, then there's going to be a big problem.

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