chapter 3 Stormed sancuary

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After making it atop the hill, mere feet from the pod, the only sanctuary from the imminent maelstrom. Linda seeing Y/n slammed to what looks to her to be, a large Commercial cargo container. partially confused, but continues anyways

Y/n opened the automated slide door, and waved her in, but as soon as she's entered. one of the motion censors were tripped and several claymores detonating. Both now alerted to something near them that may pose more of threat close by. the storm was rushing towards them, just inches on them as high winds tore the ground beneath them. He grabbed the handle Y/n slams the slide door close then cuts the outer perimeter lights on, trying to catch sight of their potential threat. after a few minutes things began to quiet down for the exception of the pressing weather. all of his forecast censor arrays were haywiring, and the outside began to shake and wale furious torrents of flashing zeal and hate. the pod shook violently as the occupant's lost balanced , with Linda falling into Y/ns large arms. both, looked at each awkwardly then she proceeds to push off him with annoyance.

The pod was heavy enough not to be dragged away and the hull structured stout enough to survive a Howitzer Plasma artillery bombardment. Its ease to say that it wasn't going anywhere, still the two took cover behind the secondary pod, sitting next to each other, and waiting for the storm and whatever it was that waited for them to come out.

Hours passed by as the storm showed no signs of slowing, so the two with nothing to do; finally began to talk with one another. With Linda being a bit more relaxed then mere hour before, began to study their shelter. Thoughts were whirling in her mind as she studies the clone before her. She tries to analyzing him, all she could see was heat and a electromagnetic field around him. in a softer tone she asked:

Linda: so... what are you, and why are you here, because clearly you don't seem to know anything about the world around you. I want answers.

Y/n just simply answered in his normal tone:

Y/n: I'm a Valor class clone, sent to recon and gather intel about this world for sentient life, resources and territory gain to set up and forge outpost

Linda: I don't know what a clone is, and I don't think any of the local warring factions will allow any outsiders to come even close to anywhere near them.

Y/n: oh... I see

He takes a second to think as he turns to look else where, trying to think of a reasonable response

Y/n: well you see I'm a copy of a original organic being with a few bio mechanical enhancements, with a few things differ from the original. I'm actually one of the latest models though, but still very young.

Linda: huh... okay..

He looked at her with a side glance, then looked away

Y/n: well...

Sounds of mechanical beastial roaring can be heard outside over the storm, both nearly jumping to battle stance. however, it appeared it seemed to of moved on elsewhere. with that knowledge the two could truly relax and Y/n continued:

Y/n: as I was saying, in the event of discovering sentients I am to report it then move on, after that then its up to the higher ups to deal with them.

she look to be in thought, trying to understand what he said, so he ask her some of his questions.

Y/n: so may I ask where I am and what are you ?

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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