Ye Xiu x Game developer male reader part 1

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Anime: The King's Avatar

Title: Once in a lifetime

Plot: Under disguise (Y/n) entered the Joyful Flourish Internet cafe, to play a few rounds but never expected to see the legendary Ye Xiu working there.

Avatar Class: ???

Weapon: Fan, with its hinges being able to be thrown out, can turn into a bow

⚠️ Warning: I haven't watched/read the whole thing, so sorry if it's OOC, or weird. This contains gay content, and some contain lime/lemon/smut and colorful language. Do not apply the character's actions to real life, consequences will not be my fault.

Some stories are too long to load all at once, look for the "End/To be continued..." to know when the story has or has not been fully loaded.


(Y/n) looked up from his computer and stretched looking at the newly added monster he's been told to work on for the past few days, though it was still in the beta testing phase he was still proud. Stretching out his body he looked towards the outside seeing the sun up in the middle of the sky. Taking out his card from the reading machine (Y/n) stood up from his place and put on his jacket.

He was with a few of his friends who were all working late evening though they didn't need to. Probably just to play around on the high-speed computer the company provides.

The people who were behind in making Glory were all pretty hardcore gamers. Whatever, it wasn't his problem as long as they get the work done they will never be fired. Talking about the game, he hasn't played properly in a while. Not to say he wasn't too tired from work so he can play around a bit outside

He got out of the office building and then the campus to go outside for a while. The place where Glory was developed has grown 4 times in size from when it last started and (Y/n) was quite proud to be able to see the expansion of the building.

'Should I head back to the apartment or an internet cafe?' (Y/n) questioned himself as he called for a taxi wanting to head toward where he lived. 'May as well head to a nearby cafe. It's been quite a while since I have played normally. Not to say I can see where to release it (the creature he made) so it'll look good and perform well.'

"You can stop here." (Y/n) said paying the driver with whatever bill he could find first. Which happened to be a 50-dollar bill. "Uhh take it as a tip." He closed the doors of the car and stood in front of an internet cafe. "Joyful Flourish Internet Cafe... nice name." He walked in went to the front desk lady requested a computer giving her his ID card.

"As secluded as possible please?"
"Section C, number 50."

Seeing the lady pay no attention to his request (Y/n) can only sigh and take back his ID card and put it back into his wallet again. He looked around for section C but only notice a pretty big crowd surrounding a few people. Curiosity got the better of him as he went to look at what was happening.

Seeing so many people he asked someone what was going on but only got swatted away. Pouting a bit he looked to see what was going on. It seems like they made a bet as there was a small pile of money between the computers. "Woah...!" (Y/n) gasped when he saw what weapon the male avatar was holding.

He smiled, muttering something as he looked towards the male's computer screen. "You use it pretty well." He muttered sitting at the desk beside him. "Great hand speed too." He wanted to laugh out loud when he heard the umbrella was a swordsmen's weapon type.

"Hmph, she has no chance, and he's not even at his max potential." (Y/n) said, his voice soft enough for people not to hear, standing up again ready to leave but it was kinda hard seeing the girl lose so much money all at once, she was also crying. (Y/n) looked back to see the male's screen showed another winning cut scene.

"Interesting. Hey, I wanna play around with you!" (Y/n) said stretching his hands around ready for battle. He's been coding for the last few weeks. It's time to polish up his skills a bit. A woman wearing pink, who he assumes is the store owner, checked him out, "Can you do it?" She asked not believing him at all.

"I'll try my best." (Y/n) smiled tilting his head a bit. "But uhh, I haven't played in weeks so I might be a bit rusty. I don't even remember what class I chose." He said making the people around him have a headache. (Y/n) put the card into the card reader and he logged on.

Staring at his avatar and its stats he was quite impressed, he had a silver weapon (personalized equipment that the player can make or the game developer can make for the player). "I forgot I had that, haha." Once he was met with the place where everyone hung out around an invitation to fight was immediately sent to him.

" do I move the camera again?" (Y/n) said making the nearby people feel bad for his account. With the help of another woman, who he found out to be named Tang Rou after a short introduction. He moved the mouse a bit seeing the scenery change on the screen. "Ahh, I see." (Y/n) looked at his opponent who was trying not to laugh. "Hehe, sorry I might not be as prepared as I appear to be." He said, hoping to think he was a beginning player.

Once he put on the headphones he immediately noticed small differences between the computer at the company to the one he was at right now. It was just enough to the point he'll need to get used to it

(Y/n)'s avatar looked pretty simple, but his weapon was not in his hands. At least that's what the others thought.

"Where's your weapon?" The people surrounded Ye Xia to see the avatar standing there like it was king on Ye Xiu's computer. (Y/n) didn't respond as his eyes were locked onto the screen.


Lord Grim (Ye Xiu) attacked first, changing his umbrella into a spear ready to one-shot (Y/n). His attack was misdirected by the fan as (Y/n) jumped back adding distance between the two. Lord's weapon changed again as he pointed the gun head towards (Y/n)'s avatar making the other run away from the bullets.

Smoke surrounded the battlefield as the bullets landed on the ground missing their target. (Y/n) jumped up into the air, fan turning into a large slender bow as he aimed down at Lord shooting out an arrow. The bow was the length of his entire body, and each arrow shot out seemed like a bullet.

Switching back to a fan (Y/n) made a sweeping motion creating a strike aiming towards the arrow boosting its speed as they touched.

(Y/n) disappeared then reappeared down on the floor staying as far away from the smoke cloud as possible. His hands stopped moving, waiting for Lord to attack. Lord suddenly appeared behind him ready to strike down but with enough hand speed (Y/n) was able to dodge, but into the cloud unable to see anything.

(Y/n) created a small strike across the cloud creating a path for him to run through. But he dipped as soon as he did, causing Lord's attack to miss once again but failed to see the pet behind him ready to strike.

Once again disappearing he was forced back into the cloud. And it was getting annoying, summoning a swirl pool (Y/n) sucked up the cloud seeing Lord performing shadow clone jutsu. Many clones started attacking him from front to back as (Y/n) tried to block each attack. His health was dipping slowly as he needed a way to get out.

(Y/n) performed a swirl pool and jumped up aiming his arrow towards the master of the clones. Noticing something behind him he kicked them away and shot the arrow at it. Noticing his mistake, before the arrow could hit one of the pillars in the background (Y/n) used the fan to change its direction adding a few more arrows, making it rain on top of Lord Grim.

(Y/n) got down and threw his fan around like a whip with its sharp blades able to cut anything in its path.

A series of hits were blocked and taken, and the sounds of metal clanging against each other rang through the arena.

*Outside of the game*

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" People surrounded them looking at their weapons or weapons. "Who is that?!" Someone asked, pointing a finger at (Y/n). His hand's speed can be compared to Ye Xiu's even Chen Guo and her friend, Tang Rou, were impressed.

The winning animation was shown on Ye Xiu's screen as the (Y/n) leaned back against the chair playing around with his hands again making soft popping sounds. "Sigh, I'll never get the chance to play like that again." (Y/n) said looking into his wallet then handed Ye Xiu a hundred bill as thanks.

"That was a good round." (Y/n) pulled out his card ignoring the thousands of pop-ups that were on his screen. He hasn't been around this many people outside of work, he wasn't used to being surrounded by people. "Hey, who are you?" A female's voice sounded behind him.

(Y/n) looked back to see the male and the owner staring at him. "My name is (Y/n)." He said putting out a hand. "The name's Chen Guo, this internet cafe's owner. Say, do you want to work under me?" (Y/n) chuckled and looked around the place. The atmosphere was great, it would be lovely to work here. But his passion was programming and he already found his place in the company.

"Sorry, I already have a job, I'll try to come here as often as possible though. I like this place." (Y/n) said, "Boss, do you know where Section C is?"

"Who do you work for?" Chen Guo said slightly pissed that someone had already taken away someone so good, her anger flared up a bit making her ignore (Y/n)'s question completely. "Do you work for Excellent Era?!"

"Haha, I'm more valuable than them, honestly they should thank me for creating them a job." (Y/n) said exaggerating a bit, kinda.

"Then what... no way... YOU WORK FOR GLORY!?" As she said that Ye Xiu looked up in surprise, just in time to see the shrug (Y/n) did as he left the area leaving many people speechless. Chen Guo wanted to faint seeing one of the actual geniuses behind the game in her cafe.

But she couldn't believe it, then again seeing the other's hand speed it was a possibility. Ye Xiu followed (Y/n) with curiosity. Seeing the other man approach computer 50 once found section C, he sat before the one he had gotten before, 47. It was quite amusing to see what (Y/n) did on the computer. Seemingly just trying to get all the pop-ups away.

"Why are there so many? Great, now I gotta request something to stop the notifications and delete them all at once." (Y/n) muttered as he clicked decline for the last time. He went to the game settings and stopped the notification sound so it doesn't disrupt his playing experience too much.

Just as he was able to enter a domain another notification popped up in the middle of his screen. Getting a bit annoyed  (Y/n) just declined without looking. It wasn't until doing the same thing a few more times did he read the notification with a groan of annoyance.

[Lord Grim sent you a friend request: Accept Decline]

When he did, he looked around and saw Ye Xiu with a smiling face while resting their head on their hand, the other hand on the mouse ready to click on the friend request button again.

Thinking for a bit (Y/n) clicked accept. The man seemed to be great at the game and could help him out in finding a place in the game to create harder difficulties and bosses to beat down those arrogant players he had seen around different servers. (Y/n) looked at Ye Xiu, where the other was still smiling.

"What do you need?" He said a bit annoyed.
"Are you a game developer for Glory?" Ye Xiu asked excitedly, (Y/n) can almost see the stars in his eyes.
"Well where else am I going to work?" (Y/n) said with a joking tone as he looked to see Ye Xiu next to him. "You really are excited to see me huh?"

"Of course! I've been playing this game ever since its beta." Ye Xiu looked like a little girl admiring an idol who was in front of her.
"We'll take me around the place for a bit, I wanna look around the place."


(Y/n) looked around the mart with Lord Grim beside him. People whispered about them asking who that person was beside a certain Lord. "What did you do to get people talking about you so much?" (Y/n) asked, listening to the chatter of people around them. "I killed three bosses on the first night of the opening server. They're all surprised by this."

"Oh." (Y/n) said not exactly caring as he was too focused on looking around. "Hmm" remembering the model of the creature he made for one of the places here. "Bring me around, I need to do something." (Y/n) said and Lord immediately agreed, pulling out a map to look for different areas of the map.

"Are there any fire element-focused places?" (Y/n) asked, "I can't exactly remember." The creature he created was a three-headed snake with its attack mainly focused on fire breathing. Not to say it looks. Lava cracks littered its body with its glowing golden eyes able to spot it's enemy very far away.

It can stand up to a human's height and is extremely long, able to affect players with its venomous bite.  Also is able to suffocate players if they don't pay attention to its movements. (Y/n) smirked thinking about all the players that will fail to challenge his creation.

"Hmm let me see, we can go to Phoenix's Wrath. That place is always on fire, might be what you're looking for." Lord said, pointing at a certain spot on the map. (Y/n) nodded his head agreeing to head there to observe the place.

To be continued...

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