Kids • Ethan

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Gender : Neutral


It was Christmas Day when I decided that finally after 3 years of dating, I would invite Ethan to spend Christmas with us. He did agree to come, which was extremely exciting for me.

A few hours before Ethan got there, my cousin had showed up with her kid, who is honestly my best friend when she comes to visit. Her name is Faye and she's only two, but she's really a funny kid.

As soon as she arrived, she jumped into my arms and refused to get down, so she was stuck to me for the rest of the day.

"Someone's boyfriend is here." I hear my older cousin Sean, shout from the front door, assuming it's Ethan, I get off the chair - still carrying Faye - and walk over to Sean.

I spot Ethan and get butterflies, I noticed that he also made a very big effort with his outfit for today -black suit. I go up to him and give him a hug and a kiss - both were a bit awkward because of Faye on my hip, and Sean standing with us, staring at us.

"Do you have to watch us like that?" I say to Sean.

"No, but I'm still gonna." I roll my eyes and turn my attention to Ethan, who is looking at Faye.

"Who's this?" He asks in a cute voice.

"This is my cousins kid, faye. Faye say hi to Ethan."

She buries her head in my shoulder and mutters a small 'hi'. I laugh at her and drag Ethan by the arm, into the kitchen so he can help my mom.

"Ethan! Finally you're here, I'm so glad you could make it. Take off your jacket and get comfortable because you'll be here a while." Mom jokes, I smile at their interaction.

"Do you need any help?" I ask her.

"Yes actually, can you do the pigs in a blanket?"

"Definitely." I say and try to put Faye down, but of course she refuses. I walk over to Ethan and hand Faye to him, surprisingly she lets him hold her, even though she still hides in his shoulder.

"You're the babysitter now." I kiss his cheek and get back to helping.

A little bit later, I walk into the lounge, and find everyone chatting, but what really catches my attention is Ethan, sitting on the floor, colouring with Faye. It was the cutest sight. I smile at the moment and snap a quick picture.

I post the picture on Instagram, with the caption 'Christmas with my two favourite people'. Almost instantly people start liking the picture, but one person catches me off guard with a comment,

"Since when do you and Ethan have a kid?"

I almost burst out laughing at the comment, but I compose myself before anyone notices.

I quickly reply to the comment, and put my phone on silent for the rest of the night.


"I thought they would never leave." I moan as I sit on the island, while my mom wipes down the counter.

"Me too." I giggle at her, and look over to see Ethan walking into the kitchen.

"You will be staying the night, right?" My mom asks him.

"Yeah of course." He smiles.

"Good, I'll go set up the guest room for you." She walks out of the kitchen as Ethan walks towards me.

"So, how did you enjoy babysitting?" I laugh.

"She's a cool kid, so it was more like hanging out." He says, trying to make babysitting look cool.


"I saw your post. About me and Faye, and how people thought she was ours."

"Yeah? I think I handed it quite nicely."

"You did. 'Not our kid, but in the future we'll have some of our own'. But I'm not ready for kids." He says almost hesitantly.

"Of course you aren't, we're 21, we aren't at all ready."

"Okay good, because your comment made me thing that you wanted one now."

"Definitely not, I'm just focusing on us right now." I reach out my hand for his, which he kindly takes and steps closer to me.

"I'm more then okay with that." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

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