Chapter 6: Planet of the Wild

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We are all eating Yaya and Ying's special cheese pasta. Well about the cooking competition. It turned out a bit disastrous. Fang and Gopal's dish is not a food to first look at, their rice is burnt and their meat is not cooked well. Mine and Boboiboy's were completed in a rush because of Thunderstorm's and Blaze's fight and we forgot to put the carrot in the soup so it tastes foul.

Yaya and Ying's ended up competely fine. Except when Yaya added her biscuits as a decoration and Commander Koko Chi ate it and fainted. Commander almost said 'disgusting' but Ying, Gopal and Fang gave him a cross sign.

We are now with Papa Zola in his spaceship. We are currently going to a planet called Zinta'Ia.

"Zinta'Ia is full of wild creatures so it will be a survival tasks" Admiral spoke by the hologram screen. He gave us a file containing what creatures are in the planet. "Your mission is to obtain the Panthbot, it have and amazing ability of speed. DO NOT FAIL" Admiral says yelling at the end and ended the call.

We took a look on the files and spotted some animals rare to see in Earth.

"This looks like a tiger" Gopal pointed on a white tiger-like animal.

"Sabertooth Bozo - Saber teeth are poisonus, can grow their size 2 times than a human" Yaya reads as we looked at the Sabertooth Bozo in shocked. WHAT?!?

"It seems like there are 5 packs of Sabertooth Bozos in the planet- we're doomed" Boboiboy says wanting to give up now.

We them scrolled down. Each creatures have their own group.

5 packs of Sabertooth Bozos
2 groups of Wild Ravagers
3 groups of Vivida (Mindless) Birds
8 packs of One-Eyed Wolves

"How are we even gonna survive this many dangerous animals?" Fang questioned. We looked at him remembering his shadow animals. He shooked his head saying it won't work.

"HAHA! MY STUDENTS OF JUSTICE! WE ARE HERE" Papa Zola says as we looked at the planet. It looks.... Gloomy.

I'm pretty sure this is a scary planet.

Yaya gave the files to me as I put it back by the table, before putting it back I saw another animal.

A family of bunnies. Zinta'Ia Bunnies, they might be cute but they are harmful species. Can change into and color or texture to not be noticed by anyone. MOST DANGEROUS?

I gotta tell this to everyone-

"Y/n let's go before wild creatures finds us here" Gopal called as I quicky ran to them. Ochobot is with Papa Zola in the spaceship.

We went out. It seems peaceful and normal here though it's gloomy. I spotted a bunny as I push everyone from the opposite direction.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Ying asks as I shakes my head. Obviously they won't buy it since I'm sweating heavily. LIKE WHO TF WON'T? A CUTE LITTLE STUFF IS DECEIVING HERE.

We continued walking. We can hear rattles from the bushes but we didn't buy it even Gopal. If we scream in fear we would alert the animals and they'll attack us.

"Y/n" I jump in fear when Boboiboy popped behind me. I sighed when I figured it was just him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah no"

"Why?" as he asked I think it's fine to tell him. I opened my phone and showed him a picture of the bunny and the whole informations about it in the files.

His eyes widened not expecting it either. He called everyone as I show them the picture.

"Oh you mean this?" Gopal says scratching a furry white bunny. "How could a cute little thing- AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" While Gopal was scratching the bunny, it's eyes turns red and bites Gopal's hands. Of course Gopal's screams alerted the animals that we are here.

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