Fifth Year // Chapter 18

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*Lori's POV*

I woke up the next morning to Hermione shaking me awake. I just glared over at her and scowled. 

"What is so bloody important, Mione?" I muttered. 

"It's time for breakfast! Besides, I don't want to miss the mail this morning," she spoke tossing my robe and clothes at me. I just coughed as they felt like a hundred books just got shoved onto my chest. After a few moments, I was able to breathe again and reluctantly got up and dressed. Once I was dressed, Hermione grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the dorm, I barely had time to grab my bookbag. 

Once we got down to the Great Hall, the first mail owls arrived including the owls that bring people their subscription to the Daily Prophet. Hermione sprinted over to the table, dropped the needed money into the owl's pouch, and took a copy of the Prophet. As she unfolded it to look at it, an audible gasp escaped her lips. 

"Mione? What's wrong?" I asked looking over her shoulder. That's when I too let out a gasp as I read the headline:


I scanned the various pictures of the escapees, as well as read why they were in Azkaban, to begin with. One had leaked Ministry secrets to Voldemort, another had killed various muggle-born wizards and witches, one had tortured Neville's parents, one had - WAIT WHAT?! I went back and made sure my eyes weren't playing tricks, spoiler they weren't. Hermione must have noticed my shock as she placed a hand on mine. 

"It's okay, Lori. Dumbledore won't let that bitch get to Neville." Hermione said opening the paper to scan for any other news. However, after a few moments, she just went back to the front page and re-read the article on the front. I read it once, and that was plenty. My heart ached for Neville when he heard the news, I could just imagine him either being quiet and staring blankly ahead or ripping the Prophet into shreds and locking himself in his dorm for the entire day. Either one was horrible to think about. 

As the Great Hall filled with more and more students, I found myself scanning for Neville more than usual. Finally, he walked in with Dean and Seamus, muttering with them hectically. I told Hermione to try and hide the paper from him, but sadly that wouldn't help as Dean had his own copy of the Prophet with him. Before I could take the paper out of his hands, Dean showed the paper to Neville. 

"I never knew your parents were tortured," he remarked. I watched as Neville's eyes went wide and he grabbed the paper. Neville's hand clutched the paper so hard, his knuckles were going white, and his eyes were both filled with rage and sadness. I quickly walked over to try and help but not before he blew. 

Neville ripped Dean's copy of the Prophet to shreds and tossed them into a jug of water. Once that was done he grabbed a muffin and stormed out of the great hall. As he exited I heard Parkinson call out after him.

"What's the matter, Longbottom? Need to go cry to your Mummy and Daddy?" her shrill laughter then filled the Great Hall. I glared over at her, looked down beside me, and saw a butterknife laying there. I slowly reached down and grabbed it, tucked it into my pocket, and slowly made my way towards Pug face. I was about halfway there when Fred walked in with Lee, he just saw the glint of the knife in my pocket and ran over and pulled me out of the Great Hall.

"LET! ME! GO!" I spat angrily at him. 

"Not on your life, Ri Ri," Fred said shoving me onto a bench in the corridor. "Hand over the knife," he extended his hand out. I didn't budge. "Lorrinda, hand me the knife!" At that moment, I looked up and saw an overly concerned brother. I sighed and handed him the knife. 

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