Flower Crowns - Bellamy Blake

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A/N: A big thank you to @Elena_Katherine_Nina for helping me with the idea c: Check out her one shot book too :]


 Octavia and I walked through the forest, not really sure where we were going. We left camp because Octavia got in a fight with some girl and she just wanted to cool down. so of course, she dragged me along after her against my will.

"Y/N, look!" Octavia sqealed, running in front of me. I looked up from the stick I was fooling around with to see Octavia running into a field filled with colorful flowers. A grin found it's way onto my face as I ran after her into the field of colors.

"Octavia, we should make flower crowns." I grinned, plucking a few blue flowers out of the ground.

"We should!" She agreed, picking some pink and yellow flowers.

After almost two hours Octavia and I managed to make fifteen flower crowns, ranging from colors like blue to white to purple and even green. We picked up our works and made our way back to camp, which took roughly about twenty minutes.

Once Octavia and I walked into camp all eyes wer on us. People stared in awe as we set down the colorful crowns on a bare table. I picked up a purple one, setting it down on my head, Octavia doing the same with a white one.

As more girls gathered around the table I grabbed the blue flower crown I made. I held it in my hands as I walked around camp, trying to find Bellamy. After a couple of minutes I found him in the dropship, helping Clarke and Raven with something.

"Hi there, Cutie." I grinned, holding the flower crown behind my back.

"Hello." He smiled back, walking over to give me a quick kiss. "Where were you?"

"Octavia and I went for a walk and found a field of flowers. And I made you this." I replied, revealing the flower crown from behind my back.

"Wait, you made that for me? But I'm a guy, I can't wear that." He said as I set the blue thing down on his head of curls. He let out a huff, crossing his arms with a pout on his face.

"Sure you can." I smirked, looking up at him.

"Wow Bell, you look so beautiful." Clarke laughed.

"Very." Raven agreed with a giggle.

Bellamy chuckled along with them before he grabbed my hand and led me out of the dropship. As we walked out people turned to look at us, some laughing when they noticed the bright blue flower crown that sat atop Bellamys dark hair.

"Lookin' good Blake." Murphy laughed as someone else did a wolf whistle.

"Yeah, you look flawless." Jasper chuckled along, giving Bellamy a thumbs up. Bellamy grinned back at them, wrapping his arm around me.

"I'm sorry to say this princess, but I'm pretty sure I'm the baddest bitch here." Bellamy chuckled, turning to look at me.

"Yeah, you're quite the diva." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, I am." He giggled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close and pressing his lips to my temple.

"Wow Bell." Octavia laughed, running over. "You look good."

"I know." He smirked, pretending to flip his hair over his shoulder. Octavia and I shared a look before shaking our heads in amusment.


A/N: Short but cute? cx

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