𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 103

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It's been about 3 months since we defeated Muzan! Here's what's happened since then! Michikatsu is okay and he says hell isn't that bad just cold which is genuinely surprising. There's a chance he'll be able to get to purgatory in a few years but yeah. Yoriichi is okay too but the only thing is that he still reads so I'm gonna set more of his books on fire☺. Giyu isn't as emo anymore! He smiles a lot more and he cut his hair he let me see what his hair looked like down before he cut it! The rest of the Hashira seem almost the same as before but happier like Shinobu! She is so much different than how she was before! Obanai and Mitsuri are gonna get married soon so I get to be a flower girl! Lilo and Lady Tamayo found their family and Lilo's grandparents actually are alive he also has an aunt and uncle so that's nice! Zenitsu and Nezuko are also together now which is surprising💀! Kenya and the rest of the sword makers recovered and Kenya is so much more confident which makes me happy! Aoi and I are teaching Inosuke how to read and write! Tanjiro and Kanao are also together and Kanao talks to other more too! I met Urokodaki and he's nice he always gives me donuts and I'm pretty sure he likes me more than Tanjiro and Giyu! And lastly I am never better because I have donuts😈! Tonight we're going to a restaurant with everyone because the demon slayer corps have been disbanded!

I felt someone shake my shoulder and I open my eyes to see Yoriichi and Michikatsu. "you got a donut?" I ask.

"No" Michikatsu says. "Alright then good night" I say before turning. "It's literally 10 am..." I heard Yoriichi say.

"If you don't wake up I'm gonna burn all of your donuts" Yoriichi says. "Good morning!" I say while sitting up.

"See how quick they switch up" Yoriichi says. "This is why you're a red head" I say. Michikatsu just shook his head.

"Oh he's being emo again" I say. "What no I'm not" Michikatsu says. "Yeah that's what they always say" I say.

Michikatsu just flicked my forehead. "Child abuse" I said. "Y/n please" Yoriichi said. We stopped when the door opened.

"Y/n wha-" Giyu stops. "Hi hi bye" Yoriichi says before disappearing. "Um have fun with your weird friends" Michikatsu says before disappearing.

"What?💀" Tanjiro says. "Oh don't worry about that let's go!" I say. Giyu kept rubbing his eyes. "You saw that?" Giyu asks Tanjiro.

"Mhm" Tanjiro hums. "See I told you he was real" I say. "Can I talk to him?" Tanjiro asks. "Yoriichi? why?" I ask.

"I just have some questions for him" Tanjiro says. "Next thing you know he's gonna haunt you" Giyu says.

"Your just mad it happened to you" I say. We went into the dining room but no one was there. "THEY LEFT US!!" I yell.

"Because you were sleeping" Giyu says. I narrow my eyes at him then run to the door. "Hurry up!!" I yell while jumping up and down.

"Y/n calm down they only left 20 minutes ago!" Tanjiro says. "Lets go!" I yell while running out of the house.

"I wanted to be the first there!" I say. "Then why were you sleeping" Giyu asks. "I wanted to!" I say.

"Your should sleep at night instead of the day time" Tanjiro says. "I do!" I say. "Clearly not enough" Giyu says.

"That why your hair use to look like a duster" I say. I felt someone push me and I heard Giyu laugh.

"Your so mean you only laugh at my misery!" I say. Tanjiro gave Giyu a look. "She's lying" Giyu say.

I glare at him then run ahead. Soon we arrived at the restaurant. "I thought we were banned from here" I say.

"We have advantages you know" Tanjiro says while patting my shoulder. We went up to the worker.

"Hello we have a reservation made by Tengen" Giyu says. "How come it's always Tengen" I ask.

𝐑𝐔𝐍- 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now